Update # 82 – I Saw My Gastroenterologist
My Gastroenterologist’s office called me and told me I hadn’t been in to see him in more than 1 1/2 years, so I relented and set up an apppointment
to see him.
He asked me how I had been feeling, what my symptoms were, and what I was doing.
I told him I was doing very well, was in remission, and then proceeded to tell him everything I was doing.
He told me he was glad I was in remission, and told me I was overdue for my colonoscopy. He told me about the increased risk of colon cancer associated with IBD and UC, and that I needed to schedule a colonoscopy.
Here’s what I told my Doctor I’m doing ( and his response):
1) Following Proper Food Combining Rules
Click on the link to read more about this
His response to this: he looked at me quizzically.
2) Taking Multi-Strained Probiotics
Probiotics, Why Are They So Important?
According to Dr. Mercola:
“…Most people, including many physicians, do not realize that 80 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, making a healthy gut a major focal point if you want to maintain optimal health… “
There have been over 200 Studies linking Probiotics to more than 170 different diseases and health problems.
So, it just makes good sense to take Probiotics, good quality ones, every day. Don’t rely on yogurt to provide you with the Probiotics your gut needs, because it won’t supply you with the adequate, multi-strained, quality Probiotics your gut requires.
Click here to read about Multi-Strained Probiotics, like Floracor-GI
- if you feel unwell, as in a cold or bug starting – especially since your first line of the defense ( your immune system) is your gut, double up on your Probiotics.
- if your doctor puts you on antibiotics for any condition, make sure you take your Probiotics, double up on them, BUT make sure you take them 3 hours apart from the antibiotics.
Click here to read about Multi-Strained Probiotics, like Floracor-GI
His response to this: Probiotics have some value.
3) Ensuring Adequate Levels of Vitamin D3
As we have discussed in various Updates, ensuring adequate levels of Vitamin D3 is critical to good health, and a strong immune system. And low levels of Vitamin D3
have been correlated to IBD, depression, and many other diseases, so it’s just smart to optimize your levels.
Do you know what your levels are at?
To read more about the importance of Vitamin D3,
click here
And since Vitamin D3 works with its co-factors, like Vitamin K2,
AlgaeCal & Strontium – which are all important, I take each of these
in addition to Krill Oil, DE, and Curcumin (click on each to read about it).
His response to all of this: another quizzical look.
4) Coating My Alimentary Tract with Slippery Elm Powder
Click here to read about this
His response to this: Another quizzical look.
5) Healing My Colon via Synergistic Repair with L-Glutamine Powder, Chia Seeds, Maca Powder, & D-Ribose Powder
Click here to read about this
His response to this: no response.
6) Helping My Digestive System with Digestive Enzymes
Click here to read about this
His response to this: no response.
7) Adding Resistant Starch
Click here to read about this
His response to this: “… Resistant what? Never heard of it…”
8) Taking LDN, Low Dose Naltrexone
Click here to read about this
His response to this: no response.
9) Drinking Plenty of Good Quality Water
This tip too sounds simple. As we have covered this in our Updates, we all know how important water is for our bodies, our organs, our colons, but it’s actually the best way to flush toxins, germs out of your system.
So, are you drinking enough good quality water?
To read more about this, click here.
His response to this: it’s good to drink water, it won’t harm you.
10) Paleo Diet
We spoke about the importance of a Gluten Free diet, and most especially the importance of the Paleo Diet, an anti-inflammatory diet,
click here to read more about it.
His response to this: diets don’t make much of a difference.
My comments on my visit with my Gastroenterologist:
He’s a nice guy, but follows only the strict training he received in med school. Unfortunately he only advocates what he knows and that is: Big Pharma.
And although I was gloating about my remission and how well I was doing, and how I got into remission, he simply put the whole reason behind it to chance, another word for this in his vocabulary: lucky coincidence.
Well, I can tell you it’s no coincidence that sent me into remission. It took hard work, lots of research, trial and error, and finally a formula of protocol, supplements, diet modification, and perserverance!
And you can do it too!
Start to take control over your own health and well-being
And to help you get you there too, I’m offering you a 28% discount off my
Personalized Advice through March 28th.
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I’ve received many emails from you, asking what’s the most basic and important step to follow?
By far, the most important step is: proper food combining.
Learning to combine your foods properly
Did anyone teach you how to do this?
Did your doctor tell you about the scientific principles behind this?
The answers are probably a resounding NO.
To learn more about this and the science behind it, click here.
to control your IBD, UC, Crohn’s symptoms, there’s a gluten free version and it’s called:
The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide (click here to read about it).
This week’s In The News, is especially important to those of you who are taking Omega 3’s… please read below.
Higher omega-3 levels equal less brain shrinkage with age
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014.
A report published online on January 22, 2014 in the journal Neurology®
reveals an association between higher levels of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and greater brain volume in older age. “These higher levels of fatty acids can be achieved through diet and the use of supplements, and the results suggest that the effect on brain volume is the equivalent of delaying the normal loss of brain cells that comes with aging by one to two years,” commented lead author James V. Pottala, PhD, of the University of South Dakota in Sioux Falls.
The study included 1,111 participants in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study, which was a subset study of subjects enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative. Subjects were between the ages of 65 to 80 years upon enrollment. Blood samples were analyzed for red blood cell fatty acid levels and magnetic resonance imaging was conducted a median of eight years later to evaluate brain volume.
Click here to read the Article
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“It is a true blessing to have come across Nicky’s website! She has been a support,
and sincerely cares! Nicky has a wealth of information to share and explains
in a patient manner. Her consults were both insightful and encouraging!
If you are looking for support in your battle with colitis, I would highly recommend
you set up a consult with Nicky. I’ve truly gained from her, and think you will too!”
– Goldie from Miami
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“…Thank you, I really like your articles, I feel they are
the reason that I am almost off my prescription meds
…” – P.M.O. – USA
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N.T. – United Kingdom
“…Thanks to your help, I am doing really well…” – M.O. – USA
“… Thank you for all your hard work at cure for
ulcerative colitis. I have really appreciated all of
the information that you send through
as I am trying to help cure my Dad’s UC
naturally… Thank you for all your hard work &
research – we really do feel the benefit of
the info you produce…”
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the products you suggested on your site…Again thank
you so much. I am so grateful for the information you
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“…I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about two years ago.
I recently discovered your website while looking for alternatives
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updates…These look like they will be a great resource for me
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In the last 25 of so Updates, we covered:
Update #55, You Have UC? What’s That?
Update #56, Recipe for “Cheating” Off Your Diet Without Consequences…
Update #57, Slippery When Wet…
Update #58, Salivating for Information …
Update #59, Need Some Dough???
Update #60, What Treatment Options?? (Part A)
Update #61, What Treatment Options?? (Part B)
Update #62, And the Studies Show…
Update #63, Important Notice
Update #64, Induces UC in Lab Rats!
Update #65, Relief for Gas & Bloating!
Update #66, Gluten…Not Your Friend!
Update #67, Risking Bone Loss & Fracture?
Update #68, A Dry Run for Turkey Day?
Update #69, Happy Pooping…
Update #70, What the MTHFR?
Update #71, Coming Soon: A Head Full of Hair!
Update #72, Resistant Starch… And Baking for the Holidays!
Update #73, UC & Your New Year’s Resolution
Update #74, The Root Cause: Inflammation…
Update #75, It’s Flu Season
Update #76, What’s Your SED Rate?
Update #77, I Ran Out Of It And The Pain Came Back!
Update #78, FMT…Is That A Crappy Idea?
Update #79, LDN… What Your Doctor Probably Won’t Tell You!
Update #80, Eat 2 Slices, and Call Me In The Morning…
Update #81, Where’s Your Bathroom???
Stay tuned for your next Update.
Thank you.