Epigenics…and You
What is Epigenics?
Epigenics is defined as:
According to Rachael
Rettner of www.livescience.com,
“Epigenetics literally means
“above” or “on top of”
genetics. It refers to
external modifications
to DNA that turn genes
“on” or “off.” These
modifications do not
change the DNA sequence,
but instead, they affect
how cells “read” genes.
Examples of epigenetics:
Epigenetic changes alter
the physical structure of
DNA. One example of an
epigenetic change is DNA
methylation — the addition
of a methyl group, or a
“chemical cap,” to part
of the DNA molecule,
which prevents certain
genes from being expressed.”
What does that have
to do with you and your IBS, IBD, UC, or Crohn’s?
…. a great deal….
Devices to Reduce Disease, Affect Epigenics?
As reported by
Medscape Medical News,
there are devices that can
reduce disease, affect epigenics…
Here’s the article that explains it,
and excerpts, thereof:
Medscape Medical News > Conference News
Chopra, Tanzi: Devices Will
Reduce Disease, Alter Medicine
February 01, 2016
“Personal electronic devices that spot
early signs of disease, monitor and
encourage fitness, and lower stress
can help people reprogram their DNA
for a healthier life, celebrity physicians
said here at the Consumer Technology Association 2016 Digital Health Summit.
Deepak Chopra, MD, said a revolution
is taking place in medicine; genomics,
lifestyle, and the environmental
technology is converging to create
ways to more accurately target and
treat disease.
Dr Chopra touted technology for
immersive virtual reality that reduces
stress. “Instead of taking a pill,” he
said, “you can go and get a session in
the virtual-reality realm, and come back
with low blood pressure, more relaxed
arteries, and less plaque in your brain.”
Dr Chopra has some skin in the game
when it comes to stress-relieving
gadgets. Several years ago, he
introduced Dream Weaver, which
feeds high-frequency light through
special glasses and sound into the
wearer’s brain in tandem with
meditation exercises, some narrated
by Dr Chopra. It works wirelessly
on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod.
“It takes you into a forest or into space
or whatever,” he said. “It’ll change your brain
waves within 10 minutes, put you in a
dream state, even the sleep state,”
Dr Chopra explained.
“We’re electromagnetic beings,”
added Rudolph Tanzi, PhD, professor
of neurology at Harvard Medical School
and director of the genetics and aging
research unit of Massachusetts General
Hospital in Boston.
“Basically, good habits lead to good gene
programs, bad habits lead to bad gene
programs,” Dr Tanzi said during the joint
presentation. And if people are anything
like lab mice, they might be able
to pass epigenetic
modifications to their
Self-Programming and the Microbiome
This task of self-programming goes
beyond the human genome to
encompass the human microbiome
and its gazillion microbial genes,
Dr Chopra explained. But the
human ecosystem is even more
than that.
“All these years, we’ve been talking
on the level of molecular biology,”
he pointed out. “I think we need to
move beyond to understand the
body as an energy field, as an
information field and, dare I say,
a consciousness field.”
The presentation by Dr Chopra
and Dr Tanzi was not their first
collaboration. The pair coauthored
the book Super Brain in 2013,
which purports to show people
how they can unleash “the explosive
power of your mind to maximize
health, happiness, and spiritual
well-being.” And late last year,
the pair released a book on
epigenetics, entitled Super Genes.
Its basic message is that people
can’t control what genes they’re
born with, but they can chemically
modify gene expression through
lifestyle choices and enjoy a longer,
healthier life. Good diet, plenty of
exercise and sleep, and stress
reduction are key levers for
turning genes off, on, up, and down,
they assert.
So what do epigenetics have to do
with the Fitbits, calorie-counting
utensils, and a handheld device
for remote physical exams exhibited
at the Digital Health Summit? For
one thing, Dr Tanzi said, electronic
gadgets can prompt people to make
good lifestyle choices, “like my
watch telling me to stand up
every hour or yelling at me
when I don’t exercise.”
…”In Alzheimer’s, plaque is building
up in the brain 15 years before,”
said Dr Tanzi. “That’s when you
have to hit it. Precision medicine is
not complete when you just say,
‘right patient, right drug.’
It has to be, ‘right patient, right drug,
right time.’
…”We need to learn all of the
different telltale signs of when
someone’s getting in trouble
for various diseases.
With the types of products we’re
seeing here in digital health,
that’s possible for the first time,”
he explained.
…In fact, a single device that can
detect and analyze roughly 60
clinical biomarkers in human breath
for conditions such as asthma,
diabetes, and even lung cancer is
envisioned by Charles Yim, chief
executive officer of Breathometer.
“Imagine if you had a super nose,”
Yim said. “You’d instantly know the
metrics of your body.”
…”I predict that just like you can look
at sugar levels or cortisol levels
through saliva, and sometimes
through skin, we’ll be looking at
proteins, correlating them
with gene expression,” said Dr Chopra.
It isn’t possible today, but “I see that
totally within the realm of possibility,”
he added.”
Consumer Technology Association (CES) 2016 Digital Health Summit. Presented January 7, 2016.
Click here to read the article
This all makes alot of sense to me…
As has been explained ( in the above article by
Dr. Chopra and Dr. Tanzi), devices
which can make you aware of your body’s rhythms
can affect your health in a big way…
from reducing your stress to
to regulating your heart rate,
to creating a more “harmonious ecosystem” to
make you healthier.
So what can we do besides eat a healthy diet with anti-inflammatory goals?We can train our brain, through the biofeedback system created
by Dr. Chopra… and see its direct impact on your stress, your health,
your digestion, your inflammatory markers, and ultimately your
Click on the photos below:

How does the Wild Divine Iom work?
The basics of Wild Divine
Technically, The Wild Divine Iom is a
patented scientific instrument that functions
as an alternative input device. In practical
terms, it acts similar to your mouse, keyboard,
or joystick as the connection between you and
your computer. As a simple example, lets say
something on the screen requires you to move
your mouse left. In Wild Divine, you might have
to relax your muscles and calm down to move
left on the screen. The Iom makes that possible.
It picks up your body’s extremely subtle signals
of emotion, stress, calmness, tension, happiness,
and lets you progress based on your ability to
control yourself.
You receive instant feedback on changes in your
thoughts, emotions, breathing, posture, and levels
of calm or stress. The Iom is very simple to use,
it plugs into any standard USB port on Mac or
PC computers, and interfaces with Wild Divine
software to give you an interactive experience
like no other.
Click on the photos below:
The Science behind Wild Divine
Dr. Bob Whitehouse is a psychologist
certified in biofeedback, and former board
member for the Association for Applied
Psychophysiology and Biofeedback:
“Active Feedback uses electronic equipment
to monitor internal physiological states and
gives feedback that helps the recipient learn
how to control these states; to activate, balance,
release or to recover from them. Usually this
also involves a coach, who guides the process,
interprets the results, and makes suggestions.
In Wild Divine programs however,
the guide/coach is included in the game,
and the game itself gives you personalized
information about your progress.”
Wild Divine measures a player’s
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and
Coherence. Coherence is the source
of many positive changes in the body
and is the best tool for recovery from
stress and creating a happier, healthier
mind and body. While in Coherence
you can expect to feel more positive
emotions, have increased intuition,
be better able to connect with the people
around you, and find a state of balance
in your life.
Click on the photos below:
I’ve received many emails
from you, asking what’s the
most basic and important
step to follow?
By far, one of the most important
steps is: proper food combining.
Learning to combine foods properly
Did anyone teach you how to
do this?
Did your doctor tell you
about the scientific principles
behind this?
The answers are probably
a resounding NO.
To learn more about
The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide
and the science behind it, click here.
The reasons it works is simple,
remember Aristotle’s principle
which says:
” The whole is greater than
the sum of its parts”.
When you layer food
combining with anti-
inflammatory foods,
the benefits become
exponential! And that’s
what this Guide is about.
To learn more about
The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide
and the science behind it, click here.
How will it help you?
Wouldn’t it be nice not
to have to rely on
” toilet radar “(syndrome
that describes having
to know where toilets are
located in whatever
environment you’ll be
finding yourself)?
Wouldn’t it be nice to
have a quiet, happy Gut?
No more timing/training
your colon to respond only
at home!
Watch your SED rate
( blood test which tests
for levels of inflammation
in your body) keep dropping
every month!
How will your doctor respond?
Get rid of the anxiety and
every day worry.
I’ve been in remission for
5 + years now, are you
ready to go for that goal too?
To learn more about
The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide
and the science behind it, click here.
may want
a skype/phone
Advice Session?Sign up on my website: Click Here
As most of you know who have taken
the opportunity to have a
Skype/Phone Personalized Advice
Session, as they address your
concerns, your questions, your
diet, etc….they are tailored to
NEEDS, and therefore are very
effective at getting you
on the road to recovery.Sign up on my website: Click Here
To read all our Testimonials, Click here
Testimonial for Personalized Advice
“It is a true blessing to have come
across Nicky’s website!
She has been a support, and sincerely
cares! Nicky has a wealth of information
to share and explains in a patient
manner. Her information was both
insightful and encouraging!
If you are looking for support in
your battle with colitis,
I would highly recommend
you speak with Nicky.
I’ve truly gained from her,
and think you will too!”
– Goldie from Miami
own health and well-being
and schedule your Personalized
Advice sessionAppointments to fit your schedule:– weekdays and
– weekends,
– day or night!
Sign up on my website: Click Here
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“…Thank you, I really like your articles, I feel they
are the reason that I am almost off my prescription
meds…” – P.M.O. – USA
“…Your advice so far has been fantastic…” – N.T. – United Kingdom
“…Thanks to your help, I am doing really well…” – M.O. – USA
“… Thank you for all your hard work at cure
for ulcerative colitis. I have really appreciated
all of the information that you send through
as I am trying to help cure my Dad’s UC
Thank you or all your hard work & research –
we really do feel the benefit of the info you
– S.A. – USA
“…You gave her a lot of insight and we ordered all of the products
you suggested on your site…Again thank you so much. I am so
grateful for the information you have shared with us…”
– M.C. – USA
I recently discovered your website while looking for alternatives
to mesalamine and immediately signed up for your email
updates… These look like they will be a great resource for me
as I try to optimize my diet, supplements, lifestyle, etc. to
minimize the effects of my condition. Thank you very much…”
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time and support!…” – G.B. – USA
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In the last 10 or so Updates, we’ve covered:
Update Ed.2 #11 – Black Friday SALE
Update Ed.2 #12 – Part 2, Cascading Problems
Update Ed.2 #13 – Part 3, Cascading Problems
Update Ed.2, #14 – Part 4, Cascading Problems
Update Ed.2, #15 – The Perfect Gift for Your Gut
Update Ed.2, #16 – Happy New Year!
Update Ed.2, #17 – I Cracked The Case!
Update Ed.2, #18 – Is Remission Possible?
Update Ed.2, #19 – Sad News …
Update Ed.2, #20 – You Are Where You Eat?
Stay tuned for your next Update.
Thank you.