D) Ineffective or Low Levels of Good Intestinal Gut Flora


Ineffective or Low Levels of Good Intestinal Gut Flora


Cascading Problems 


Ineffective or Low Levels of Good Intestinal Gut Flora



When you suffer from IBD, UC, Crohn’s this can lead to a whole gamut of cascading problems which is important to be on the look out for.


Cascading problems such as:

    • Malabsorption of nutrients, causing malnutrition (often undiagnosed)
    • B12 Deficiency, which if it goes undiagnosed can lead to pernicious anemia
    • Inadequate Vitamin D3 levels, leaving your immune system at risk
    • Ineffective or low levels of good intestinal gut flora, putting your immune system at risk
    • Bone Density Loss, Osteopenia, or Osteoporosis
    • Fatigue
    • Problems with Concentration
    • Improper Digestion
    • Leaky Gut Syndrome
    • Intestinal Permeability
    • Extra-Intestinal Symptoms of Joint Pains, Skin Rashes, Eye Problems
    • Depression and Anxiety
    • Headaches
    • And of course digestive issues of: Diarrhea, Constipation, Bloating, Gas, Cramping, Abdominal Pain, Distention, just to name of few of the many symptoms


Has your Doctor told you to be on the lookout for these Cascading Problems?


So, what can you do about these Cascading Problems?


1) By being proactive and being aware, you’ll be on the lookout for these problems before they occur


2) By being aware of these problems, you’ll be able to see the symptoms and know what they correlate to

3) By putting in place certain checks and balances, you’ll be in a position to assess these problems


4) By taking some simple steps, you’ll be able to pre-empt some of these problems


Now that you know which cascade of problems to be on the lookout for, what can you do to prevent them? Let’s get through each one, and see how to pre-empt them:


A)  Malabsorption of nutrients, causing malnutrition (often undiagnosed)


B) B12 Deficiency, which if it goes undiagnosed can lead to pernicious anemia


C) Inadequate Vitamin D3 Levels, leaving your Immune System at risk


D) Ineffective or low levels of good intestinal gut flora, putting your immune system at risk


As we have discussed in many prior Updates, 80% of your immune system is located in your gut.


If you don’t have adequate levels of good intestinal gut flora, you won’t be able to fight off infections or foreign invaders.


But more importantly, low levels of good intestinal gut flora are associated with IBD, UC, and Crohn’s.


Thereby, making it all the more important to make sure you take good Multi-Strained Probiotics, such as Floracor-GI, every day.


Floracor-GI® is a revolutionary blend of probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes especially formulated to help maintain a proper balance of intestinal microflora, inhibit pathogenic bacteria and prevent the overgrowth of yeast organisms, mainly Candida.*




Floracor-GI distinguishes itself from other intestinal cleansing formulas in the following ways:

  • Chitosanase is a unique and powerful enzyme that helps to break down chitin, an important part of the structure of the Candida cell wall. Cellulase enhances this activity by breaking down the cellulose component of the cell wall.

  • SEBiotic® is a special spore-forming probiotic that is incredibly stable in the dormant state. Using our Enhanced Probiotic Delivery System™(EPDS), this probiotic can exist in a dehydrated state indefinitely.

  • EPDS™ delivers larger amounts of living bacteria into the intestinal tract, where they colonize and flourish. Once in the intestinal tract, these bacteria exit their spores, attach themselves to the intestinal mucosa, and begin to germinate, producing new colonies of friendly bacteria.

  • Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), nutrient-dense alfalfa and papaya powder comprise a fortified prebiotic blend, which enhances the growth and stability of probiotics in the gut.

  • High-activity proteases, including Peptizyme-SP brand serrapeptase, hydrolyze putrefying food matter trapped between the intestinal villi, which can cause sluggish digestion, bloating and an increase in toxins. These enzymes create a better intestinal environment, improved absorption, motility and better overall colon health.

Floracor-GI is a thorough and effective intestinal cleansing containing the following ingredients, including these Multi-Strained Probiotics:


  • Lactobacillus acidophilus Probiotic that produces lactic acid, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and yeasts.

  • Lactobacillus casei Probiotic that produces lactic acid and has a wide pH and temperature range; complements the growth of L. acidophilus in the production of the enzyme amylase.

  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus Probiotic widely known to increase longevity; cooperates with L. acidophilus in creating a protective colonization in the intestinal tract.

  • Lactobacillus plantarum Probiotic that works with L. acidophilus in inhibiting pathogens; also produces L-lysine, a beneficial amino acid.

  • Lactobacillus brevis Species of lactic acid bacteria; prevalent in fermented foods such as sauerkraut and pickles; found to improve the immune system health.

  • Lactobacillus caucasium Species of lactic acid bacteria used for its health-promoting properties.

  • Lactobacillus helveticus Lactic acid producing rod shaped bacterium of the genus.

  • Lactobacillus; most commonly used in the production of cheese. Some research indicates powdered milk fermented with L. helveticus helps reduce blood pressure.

  •  Bifidobacterium bifidum A probiotic well-documented for its adverse effect on pathogenic or disease causing bacteria; bifidobacteria aid in digestion, and are often used as probiotics (good bacteria) for their immune stimulating properties.

  •  SEBiotic (Bacillus coagulans or Lactobacillus Sporogenes) Spore-forming lactogenic probiotic with the trade name SEBiotic. As with other probiotics, it demonstrates significant immune strengthening properties. As a spore forming probiotic and through our Enhanced Probiotic Delivery System (EPDS), more SEBiotic is delivered to the gut where the bacteria begin to germinate, and eventually colonize.

  • Saccharomyces boulardii Probiotic that helps maintain and restore the balance of microflora in the large and small intestine.

  • Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) Short-chain sugars that stimulate the growth of probiotics in the digestive system.

  • SEBiotic (Bacillus coagulans or Lactobacillus Sporogenes) Makes minerals bioactive and available to the cells of the body including probiotics. They stimulate metabolism, enhance respiration, increase metabolism of proteins, the activity of multiple enzymes, enhances the permeability of cell membranes and promotes cell division.



“I suffer from candida and have tried several different products. My friend suggested I try her Floracor-GI while on a visit. INSTANTLY, within one hour I could feel it work. I continued 2 capsules morning and night for 3 days. My energy increased, my clarity and alertness increased. I highly recommend this product. Such a Godsend! Thank you AST!” – Jennifer, Campbell, CA


“A colon hydro-therapist recommended Floracor-GI to me. It’s been six months and it’s helped my overall body health. My bowel movements weren’t regular, and I was fatigued often. I found that Floracor made a huge difference in my bowel health. I actually have just overall felt better. My mood is better. I have more energy. I noticed a marked improvement on several levels so I continue to take Floracor.” – W.N. – New York


Where do I buy my Floracor-GI Probiotics? 

I get my Floracor-GI Probiotics from HERE




I think it’s very important to be aware  of these Cascading Problems, and specifically, Ineffective or Low Levels of Good Intestinal Gut Flora, so that you can be pro-active and to pre-empt further problems. It’s unlikely your doctor has made you aware of these.





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