Gelatinized Maca Root Powder – Which One is Best for Me?

Gelatinized Maca Root Powder –

Which One is Best for Me?



best maca





Since most of us with IBD, IBS, UC, and

Crohn’s have problems with sensitive stomach

and digestion in general, I would strongly

urge you to use the Gelatinized Maca

Root Powder. WHY?


Gelatinized Maca is the best type of Maca for

anyone with a sensitive digestive system.  

In the gelatinization process Maca roots

are boiled and pressurized to dissolve

most starch content.  The resulting

Gelatinized Maca powder is easier to

digest than Raw Maca powders.

However, all of the enzymes are destroyed

and some of the nutrients are altered in the  process.


I’ve found great results with the

Gelatinized Maca Root Powder, and haven’t felt

like I’ve been missing out  on nutrients.

This is a POWERHOUSE of Nutrients!


So, since we are addressing an audience

of sensitive stomachs, we’ll concentrate on

Gelatinized Maca Root Powder  ( see the chart below)





**ALL of our products are grown in a remote, pristine part of the Peruvian Andes. They are GMO- free, certified organic, cultivated with respect for the land and purchased at fair trade prices.


Note: Our Raw Yellow and Gelatinized Yellow  powders don’t appear on this table.   They are still very potent and nutrient dense and are a great choice if you are on a limited budget.  Yellow Maca is less expensive because it is the most commonly grown.

Female Fertility Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Female Libido Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Menopause Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Osteoperosis Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Black Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Black Maca
Male Fertility Raw Black Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Black Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Male Libido Raw Black Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Black Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
ED Raw Black Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Black Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Prostate Raw Red Maca Only Gelatinized Red Maca Only
Muscle Building Raw Black Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Black Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Stamina / Endurance Raw Black Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Black Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Energy Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Mental Focus Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Black Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Black Maca
Depression Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Chronic Fatigue Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Anxiety / Stress Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Black Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Circulation Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Bone Density Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Black Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Black Maca
Hair Growth Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca
Acne Raw Red Maca or 
Raw Premium Maca
Gelatinized Red Maca or 
Gelatinized Premium Maca


Gelatinized Black Maca

Our Gelatinized Black Maca is made from 100% light to dark gray Maca roots. It is also a 4:1 ratio, with 4 kgs of Raw Maca made into 1 kg of Gelatinized. Gelatinized Black Maca shares the major benefits of Raw Black Maca including muscle building, endurance, mental focus and male libido and fertility. As it’s starch content has been removed it’s easier to digest, but has lost some of it’s nutrients in the process.

Gelatinized Red Maca

Our Gelatinized Red Maca is made from 100% pink to purple Maca roots. It is also a 4:1 ratio, with 4 kgs of Raw Maca made into 1 kg of Gelatinized. Gelatinized Red Maca shares the major properties of Raw Red Maca including having the highest phytonutrient levels of all Maca colors. It is the most effective type for general hormone balancing, for female fertility and for bone and prostate health. As it’s starch content has been removed it’s easier to digest, but has lost some of it’s nutrients in the process.

Gelatinized Yellow Maca

Our Gelatinized Yellow Maca is made from 100% Yellow Maca roots.  4 kgs of Raw Maca are used to make 1 kg of Gelatinized Maca (4:1 ratio). It is heated to remove most starch content, making it easier to digest and more concentrated than Raw Maca.  All of the enzymes are lost and some of the other important nutrients are lost in this process.

Gelatinized Premium Maca

Our Gelatinized Premium Maca contains about 40% Yellow, 30% Red and 30% Black Maca root powder. It is different from our other Gelatinized Macas in that it is processed fresh rather than being sundried first. This special handling results in higher glucosinolate content. 4 kgs of Raw Maca are used to make 1 kg of Gelatinized Maca (4:1 ratio). It is heated to remove most starch content, making it easier to digest and more concentrated than Raw Maca.  All of the enzymes are lost and some of the other important nutrients are lost in this process.

**Note: These statements have come from our 15 years of use and research of Maca. They have not been approved by the FDA and in no way are meant to treat any health condition. If you have any health concerns about using Maca, please visit a competent medical professional. Full health disclaimer here.

If you’re still undecided, we also have several Maca Sampler Packs available at prices. 



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