Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
For ease of use, I’ve made a Products page here. Hopefully you’ve read my Alternative Protocol, which details the steps, explains the reasons behind them (including scientific and medical research), and how you may take a particular product. I’m also including here other products, I’ve spoken about in my Phase I – Discovery page, which I’ve found helpful.
So, here are the Resources:
1) Methodology of Eating
This simple Methodology to Eating system, actually layers the basic principles of food combining (some of which were derived from Dr. William Hay’s premise he devised in the 1920’s ) with anti-inflammatory foods. This powerful two fold approach now yields an exponential beneficial effect. And it’s called:
The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide.
The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide is simple, easy to understand, and designed to teach you how reducing the inflammation in your body will make you feel healthier, and transforming your gut into a happier one, through making intelligent food choices, and explaining how to combine different foods of different pH levels, which require different digestive enzymes, and are also different on the Alkalinity – to – Acidity scale.
Per Dr. Andrew Weil, “…It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses – including heart disease, many cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease. We all know inflammation on the surface of the body as local redness, heat, swelling and pain. It is the cornerstone of the body’s healing response, bringing more nourishment and more immune activity to a site of injury or infection. But when inflammation persists or serves no purpose, it damages the body and causes illness. Stress, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition, and exposure to toxins (like secondhand tobacco smoke) can all contribute to such chronic inflammation, but dietary choices play a big role as well. Learning how specific foods influence the inflammatory process is the best strategy for containing it and reducing long-term disease risks…”.
Per the NIH, in their article on Auto-Immune Diseases and Inflammation, “… the classic sign of an autoimmune disease is inflammation, which can cause redness, heat, pain and swelling. … but in most cases one important goal is to reduce inflammation.”
To read the entire article, click here
Your friends will tell you ” hey, I noticed you no longer have gas…”
You will be surprised how much sense it really makes as it’s based on scientific facts.
Within a few days, you’ll be happy to get rid of:
– your lack of energy, and fatigue
– your distended abdomen
– your Acid Reflux
– your stomach aches and cramps
– your abnormal bowel movements
Personally I believe that anyone who adopts The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide, will reap important health benefits, and overall less inflammation in your body.
The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Diet
Learn More About The Anti-Inflammatory Food Combining Guide
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
2) Natural Alternative to Mesalamine Products
This natural product I am referring to is called Slippery Elm Bark Powder (organic), the natural alternative to the Mesalamine products. This is the second step in the Alternative Protocol.
Because what Slippery Elm Bark Powder does is it coats and soothes your whole alimentary canal and digestive track which as a result of Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, IBD, Crohn’s Disease processes, has become inflammed and may be ulcerated; this is equivalent to putting salve on a burn to quiet it down and heal it – what I call the natural and healthy (no side effects) alternative to the medically prescribed mesalamine products. I recommend you take this inexpensive product 3 times a day in its powdered form ( they do make in a pill form, but it won’t have the same powerful coating effect) before meals.
Here’s how I take it:
3 times a day, before each meal, in 2 ounces of water, take 1 full teaspoon of the Organic Slippery Elm Bark Powder then add 2 drops of Honey to it (did you know Honey is a natural anti-microbial?), and mix it thoroughly by smashing the back of the spoon against the glass to smash the lumps into a kind of “gel” or “glue” (for lack of a better term), and then drink it immediately. Note, if you let it sit too long, it will get very thick so you may then need to add some water to it to make it drinkable. A note about the honey, please make sure it doesn’t have any high fructose corn syrup in it, and it is natural. It isn’t a must to add honey, however I like it because it adds a touch of sweetness, and I know of its anti-microbial properties.
Where do I buy my Slippery Elm Bark Powder (organic)?
I have done a thorough search for the best priced, best quality Organic Slippery Elm Bark Powder and
here is where you can get it, by the pound, approx. $37.50 per pound, and at 3 teaspoons a day, it will last you a very long time.
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
3) Multi-Strained Probiotics
With the increased popularity of Probiotics, there are many to choose from, and all they contain various live strains of good bacteria – most of them contain anywhere between 35 million bacteria to 60 billion bacteria. In a perfect world, if you can get your doctor to write you a prescription for VSL #3 DS (double strength), it would be very effective and probably only cost you a small copay. However if you have to purchase out of pocket VSL#3, it is very expensive, and frankly un-affordable for most people. So, if you fall into the latter group, I would recommend you try an excellent Probiotic, called Floracor-GI Probiotics (see below), as it is a very effective, multi-strained, great quality, and very affordable Probiotics (I use them too).
How does VSL#3 work?
VSL#3® is a high-potency medical food probiotic consisting of live freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria. Each dose contains 450 billion live lactic acid bacteria per packet in defined ratios of lyophilized Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus.
The human gastrointestinal (GI) system is populated by thousands of billions of beneficial bacteria that act as a protective barrier throughout the GI system. These bacteria perform a variety of important biochemical functions from enhancing the protective intestinal barrier to modulating intestinal inflammation by reduction of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1α, and reducing colonic permeability, and enhance barrier function.
Under some conditions the number of pathogenic (“bad”) bacteria in a person’s intestines can begin to outnumber the good bacteria. Numerous studies have implicated the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in certain intestinal disorders.21,40 Studies have shown that patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or an ileal pouch tend to have a decreased concentration of beneficial bacteria.4,14,52 This deficiency could lead to more flare-ups and issues with diarrhea, frequency, and urgency.
VSL#3® is the only medical food that can restore beneficial intestinal bacteria in UC, IBS and pouch patients with optimal quantities and types of beneficial bacteria.
VSL#3® has been the subject of extensive clinical research in the dietary management of ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, an ileal pouch, and several other clinical conditions.
If you want to read all the medical and scientific studies, click on this link and you can read the medical research on VSL#3.
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
VSL #3 is very expensive, and if it isn’t covered your insurance, it may be un-affordable. For this reason, I have researched another Probiotics product, which I personally use, which has been very effective, it is called: Floracor-GI Probiotics.
What is Floracor-GI Probiotics?
Floracor-GI® is a revolutionary blend of probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes especially formulated to help maintain a proper balance of intestinal microflora, inhibit pathogenic bacteria and prevent the overgrowth of yeast organisms, mainly Candida.*
Candida albicans is usually a harmless yeast present in the body. However, stress, in the form of modern lifestyles, hormonal imbalances, excessive sugar consumption, environmental pollutants, and pharmaceutical drugs, including antibiotics and oral contraceptives, can wreak havoc on the proper balance of microorganisms in the gastro-intestinal tract.
Candida, being an opportunistic organism, will flourish under these adverse conditions. And when Candida is anchored to the intestinal tract, intestinal leakage and immune disorders may result.
Candida removal is the logical first step toward effective intestinal cleansing. The protease enzyme Serrapeptase and enzymes like Cellulase and Chitosanase attack the outer cell wall of Candida yeast, weakening its hold on the intestinal mucosa and reducing their viability.
Floracor-GI distinguishes itself from other intestinal cleansing formulas in the following ways:
- Chitosanase is a unique and powerful enzyme that helps to break down chitin, an important part of the structure of the Candida cell wall. Cellulase enhances this activity by breaking down the cellulose component of the cell wall.
- SEBiotic® is a special spore-forming probiotic that is incredibly stable in the dormant state. Using our Enhanced Probiotic Delivery System™(EPDS), this probiotic can exist in a dehydrated state indefinitely.
- EPDS™ delivers larger amounts of living bacteria into the intestinal tract, where they colonize and flourish. Once in the intestinal tract, these bacteria exit their spores, attach themselves to the intestinal mucosa, and begin to germinate, producing new colonies of friendly bacteria.
- Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), nutrient-dense alfalfa and papaya powder comprise a fortified prebiotic blend, which enhances the growth and stability of probiotics in the gut.
- High-activity proteases, including Peptizyme-SP brand serrapeptase, hydrolyze putrefying food matter trapped between the intestinal villi, which can cause sluggish digestion, bloating and an increase in toxins. These enzymes create a better intestinal environment, improved absorption, motility and better overall colon health.
Floracor-GI is a thorough and effective intestinal cleansing containing the following ingredients:
- Alfalfa Powder Promotes colon health and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, and protein. It works well with prebiotics in promoting overall digestive health.
- Amla Also known as Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis); a natural and efficacious antioxidant, and one of the richest sources of absorbable Vitamin C.
- Papaya Juice Powder From green papaya; it is dehydrated at a controlled temperature to ensure its maximum nutritional value. Retains the natural proteolytic enzyme papain, which has been used for centuries as an effective digestive aid.
- Lactobacillus acidophilus Probiotic that produces lactic acid, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and yeasts.
- Lactobacillus casei Probiotic that produces lactic acid and has a wide pH and temperature range; complements the growth of L. acidophilus in the production of the enzyme amylase.
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus Probiotic widely known to increase longevity; cooperates with L. acidophilus in creating a protective colonization in the intestinal tract.
- Lactobacillus plantarum Probiotic that works with L. acidophilus in inhibiting pathogens; also produces L-lysine, a beneficial amino acid.
- Lactobacillus brevis Species of lactic acid bacteria; prevalent in fermented foods such as sauerkraut and pickles; found to improve the immune system health.
- Lactobacillus caucasium Species of lactic acid bacteria used for its health-promoting properties.
- Lactobacillus helveticus Lactic acid producing rod shaped bacterium of the genus.
- Lactobacillus; most commonly used in the production of cheese. Some research indicates powdered milk fermented with L. helveticus helps reduce blood pressure.
- Bifidobacterium bifidum A probiotic well-documented for its adverse effect on pathogenic or disease causing bacteria; bifidobacteria aid in digestion, and are often used as probiotics (good bacteria) for their immune stimulating properties.
- SEBiotic (Bacillus coagulans or Lactobacillus Sporogenes) Spore-forming lactogenic probiotic with the trade name SEBiotic. As with other probiotics, it demonstrates significant immune strengthening properties. As a spore forming probiotic and through our Enhanced Probiotic Delivery System (EPDS), more SEBiotic is delivered to the gut where the bacteria begin to germinate, and eventually colonize.
- Saccharomyces boulardii Probiotic that helps maintain and restore the balance of microflora in the large and small intestine.
- Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) Short-chain sugars that stimulate the growth of probiotics in the digestive system.
- SEBiotic (Bacillus coagulans or Lactobacillus Sporogenes) Makes minerals bioactive and available to the cells of the body including probiotics. They stimulate metabolism, enhance respiration, increase metabolism of proteins, the activity of multiple enzymes, enhances the permeability of cell membranes and promotes cell division.
“I suffer from candida and have tried several different products. My friend suggested I try her Floracor-GI while on a visit. INSTANTLY, within one hour I could feel it work. I continued 2 capsules morning and night for 3 days. My energy increased, my clarity and alertness increased. I highly recommend this product. Such a Godsend! Thank you AST!” – Jennifer, Campbell, CA
“A colon hydro-therapist recommended Floracor-GI to me. It’s been six months and it’s helped my overall body health. My bowel movements weren’t regular, and I was fatigued often. I found that Floracor made a huge difference in my bowel health. I actually have just overall felt better. My mood is better. I have more energy. I noticed a marked improvement on several levels so I continue to take Floracor.” – W.N. – New York
Where do I buy my Floracor-GI Probiotics?
I get my Floracor-GI Probiotics from
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
4) Which Supplements?
There are some key supplements which play an important role in enhanced immunity and protection for those suffering with IBS, IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s Disease – these are: Vitamin D3, Krill Oil, and Vitamin K2, AlgaeCal and Strontium.
A) Krill Oil
Why Is Krill Oil So Important in IBD, UC, and Crohn’s?
Because research has shown Omega 3′s play an important role as an anti-inflammatory.
We have discussed in prior Updates (#11, #19) the importance of Diet in the role of IBD, UC, and Crohn’s, especially the importance of ensuring you eat an anti-inflammatory diet because the source of all disease is inflammation. We will cover this in detail in another future Update as well.
Regardless of how well you’re eating, it’s really impossible to get all your nutritional needs through your foods these days anyway.
That’s the reason I generally suggest supplementing with certain vitamins, but since Omega 3′s are anti-inflammatory, this too must be added to your daily regimen to ensure you’re combatting the inflammation that is part of this disease process.
Has your doctor suggested you take Omega 3′s or Krill Oil to help with your IBD, UC, Crohn’s?
As This Study explains,
“…while intake of saturated fat, trans fatty acids and arachidonic acid has been linked to the development of chronic disease, research shows omega 3 fatty acids, specifically fish oils, are essential in the prevention and treatment of disease…”
“… fish oil inhibits the production of these inflammatory compounds…”
And as to the connection between fish oil, inflammation and its effect on IBD, UC, and Crohn’s,
“… fish oil has been proven to be beneficial in intestinal health. Fish oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease). We can conclude fish consumption can prevent most diseases in humans. Human health is guarantied with fishes regularly consumption in two to three times in week…”
There are many different types of Omega 3′s – some just okay, some very poor quality, and some very good ones.
The only Omega 3 that mimics “nature’s omega 3″ and isn’t made in a laboratory from artificial and synthetic sources, is Krill Oil.
To read the full study click here
“…Conclusion: The results of the present study clearly indicate that Krill Oil at a daily dose of 300 mg significantly inhibits inflammation and reduces arthritic symptoms within a short treatment period of 7 and 14 days…”
In this Scandinavian study:
“… Based on evidence of SCCAI and AIFAI and a tendency of decreased levels of CRP and homecysteine, intake of atlantic salmon may have beneficial effects on disease activity in patients with mild ulcerative colitis.”
“…The results suggest that ω-3 PUFAs are an attractive adjunctive treatment for joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and dysmenorrhea…”
As results shown in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology,
“… Krill Oil showed protective potential against DSS colitis based on the preservation of colon length, reduction of oxidative markers and the consistent beneficial changes.. “
“Krill Oil showed protective potential against DSS colitis based on the preservation of colon length, reduction of oxidative markers and the consistent beneficial changes of HCS, cytokine, and (PG)E3 levels, as well as PPAR-γ and Pparg1α expression compared with DSS alone. These findings indicate an anti-inflammatory and a protein antioxidant effect of Krill Oil.”
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
You’re actually getting 2 super supplements in one, for the price of one: Krill Oil + Astaxanthin!
Seeking Health Optimal Krill Oil
Krill Oil is a rich source of Astaxanthin and the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Benefits of EPA and DHA EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acids that support cardiovascular health, fight inflammation, and support brain and eye health. DHA is a major componant of brain cell membranes. EPA may stabilize mood and lessen symptoms of depression. Each of these essential fatty acids support reduced inflammation and may lower cholesterol. What is Astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is an antioxidant more powerful than vitamin C, E or beta carotene when it comes to free radical scavenging. It is a cartenoid responsible for the red hue assoicated with shrimp and lobster, and it gives the flamingo its pink color. Astaxanthin has been shown to ease pain associated with joint inflammation, fight fatigue, and help with endurance, added energy, and muscle recovery. Krill is one of the few sea creatures that consume a microalgae that is the only natural source of Astaxanthin. Optimal Krill Oil contains 12 mg astaxanthin per serving. Studies suggest that this high level of astaxanthin offers an array of therapeutic benefits, which may include:
Notice: Individual results may vary. You should always consult with your physician before starting this product or any health-related program.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Did you know?
An ideal substitute for fish oil, krill oil is 3x more effective at delivering omega–3s to the brain due to its phospholipid complex. Unlike the triglyceride structures in fish oil, krill phospholipids contain the naturally occurring chemicals choline and phosphatidylcholine, which help improve how fast omega–3s arrive to the brain and how long they keep working. The cherry on top: krill doesn’t produce a fishy aftertaste.
Click here to get your Krill Oil
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As the studies conclude, Krill Oil is superior to Omega 3’s, and in fact, when you buy Krill Oil, you are getting the bonus of an extra supplement, called Astaxanthin, which is very important. And as it turns out, Astaxanthin is one of the most important antioxidants to be found.
Here’s Why:
Major Producer Reveals the Benefits of Astaxanthin—Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant
by Dr. Mercola
“…A little-known carotenoid called astaxanthin is now believed to be the most potent antioxidant nature has to offer. Astaxanthin’s benefits are so numerous, I’ve written several articles to cover its many activities, from UV-radiation protection, to eye- and heart health, to improved athletic performance.
In terms of antioxidant power or potency, astaxanthin is 550 times stronger than vitamin E, and 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C!
As an antioxidant, astaxanthin has powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, which makes it useful for a number of diseases associated with inflammation, such as arthritis. However, it’s not a magic cure. Not mistaking astaxanthin for a cure is an important point. However, it can effectively relieve symptoms when taken consistently over several weeks (effects are usually noticeable after about two to four weeks). And in many cases it can do so more effectively than far more expensive and potentially toxic prescription anti-inflammatories and over-the-counter pain killers.
If you are on a krill oil supplement, which naturally contains astaxanthin, take that into consideration. Different krill products have different concentrations of astaxanthin, so check your label. Another factor to keep in mind is that astaxanthin is a fat soluble supplement. So unless you take it with a small amount of fat, it’s not going to absorb well. Butter, coconut oil, or eggs would be ideal complements to ensure optimal absorption…”
A Note About Krill Oil Dosage
For most people, taking 1g of Krill Oil is enough. But for those of us, with immuno-compromised diseases such as IBD, UC, and Crohn’s, as well as those with Inflammatory Diseases, Krill Oil is an important supplement in helping to regulate and minimize inflammation, and studies show for those of us in those classes of diseases, our requirements are higher – between 3-4g of Krill Oil per day.
Now, I don’t suggest you increase it immediately. But do start at the 1g daily dosage, and in 2-3 weeks’ time, increase your dosage to 2g daily, and pay attention to what your body is telling you (i.e. are you noticing a lessening of pains?), then in another 2-3 weeks’ time, increase it again to 3g daily, and see how you feel, this will ensure you’ll be slowly working up to the suggested 3-4g daily dosage while you are listening to your body.
So now that we know the power of Astaxanthin, it just makes sense (and the studies prove it) – Krill Oil helps with IBD.
Click here to get your Krill Oil
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
B) Vitamin D Supplements
In simple terms, if you’re vitamin D deficient, your immune system will not activate to do its job. And since vitamin D also balances your immune response, it prevents an overreaction in the form of inflammation, which can lead to autoimmune disorders like Crohn’s Disease.
So, what can you do?
Make sure your vitamin D levels are optimized. Vitamin D appears to be nearly as effective as the omega-3 fats. Ask your physician to regularly run blood tests on your Vitamin D levels, it’s the only way to determine the correct oral dose of Vitamin D you might require if you are deficient. The best way to get vitamin D is regular sun exposure so make sure you have a healthy tan this summer. If you have a healthy tan there is little reason to measure your D levels as they will likely be near ideal, although data has shown that even in warm and sun climates, such as Florida, California, or Arizona, a great percentage of the population is Vitamin D deficient. Getting the correct test is the first step in this process, as there are TWO vitamin D tests currently being offered: 1,25(OH)D, and 25(OH)D.
The correct test your doctor needs to order is 25(OH)D, also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which is the better marker of overall D status. This is the marker that is most strongly associated with overall health.
Next, the “normal” 25-hydroxyvitamin D lab range is between 20-56 ng/ml. The conventional range is really a sign of deficiency, and is too broad to be ideal.
In fact, your vitamin D level should never be below 32 ng/ml, and any levels below 20 ng/ml are considered serious deficiency states, increasing your risk of as many as 16 different cancers and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease just to name a few.
According to Dr. Mercola, the OPTIMAL value that you’re looking for is 55-65 ng/ml.
These ranges are based on healthy people in tropical or subtropical parts of the world, where they are receiving healthy sun exposures. It seems more than reasonable to assume that these values are in fact reflective of an optimal human requirement.
Vitamin D Studies
A new study has found that Vitamin D can counter the effects of Crohn’s disease. Researchers found that Vitamin D acts directly on the beta defensin 2 gene, which encodes an antimicrobial peptide, and the NOD2 gene that alerts cells to the presence of invading microbes. Both beta defensin and NOD2 have been linked to Crohn’s disease. If NOD2 is deficient or defective, it cannot combat invaders in the intestinal tract.
Vitamin D3 Supplements
Because you first need to get blood tested for Vitamin D deficiency (please see the exact description of the specific name of the Vitamin D test referenced on the Alternative Protocol page), which requires a doctor’s prescription and reading the results thereof, I recommend if you are found to be deficient, start supplementing with Vitamin D3. It is very important to have this monitored through your doctor as Vitamin D3 supplementation if not properly controlled can lead to toxicity.
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
Vitamin D3
( I add 5,000 I.U., but you must select dosage appropriate for your blood serum level requirements)
Click here to see the Vitamin D3 I take
Per topics covered in our Updates,
An avalanche of favorable studies has resulted in record numbers of Americans supplementing with vitamin D. Since it is virtually impossible to obtain adequate vitamin D from food sources, supplementation with 5,000-10,000 IU daily is required by many aging individuals.
Overlooked many, is the critical importance of vitamin K. If one is concerned enough about their health to take higher dose vitamin D, it seems absurd to miss out on the benefits of vitamin K. For instance, vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption into the bloodstream and thus plays an important role in maintaining bone density. Less recognized is the need for vitamin K to transport calcium from the bloodstream into the bone. Vitamin K is also required by calcium-regulating proteins in the arteries.1-5 Together these two vitamins help maintain youthful calcium skeletal distribution while promoting vascular health.6-11
Vitamin K can be found in small amounts in the diet, but obtaining the desired higher potencies requires supplementation. Many Life Extension members obtain optimal potencies of long-acting vitamin K in the Super Booster or Super K formulations. An increasing number of new members, however, are asking for high-potency vitamin D—but are not taking any supplemental vitamin K.
To directly address this problem, Life Extension® has put together a formula called Vitamins D and K with Sea-Iodine™. Like vitamins D and K, few Americans obtain optimal amounts of iodine. As people seek to limit their salt intake, this deficit is exacerbated since iodized salt is the principal source of this mineral in many diets. We expect the issue of iodine insufficiency to receive more media attention as new studies uncover the problems this creates. Sea-Iodine™ is included in this formula to provide iodine without the harmful effects of sodium.
“It is important to take Vitamin K with Vitamin D. Iodine is also good prevention from diseases that I can’t mention due to restrictions by the FDA.” By LadyDi, Portland, OR
“Makes it easy with three supplements in one.” By Jeneane, Henderson, NV
“Nice combination of 3 important nutrients most of the general population is deficient in. Thanks for combining these into one convenient capsule!” By PR in the OC, Orange County, CA
“I had low Vit D levels that I increased over time and now able to keep it in the good range with this supplement.” By Barb, Sevierville Tn
“A physician prescribed the exact same dosages from a compounding pharmacy. I am a 63 yr old male, 5’7 and 157 pounds with no bone loss issues. Recommended for anti-aging benefits, etc. This LEF formulation is effective and a lot cheaper than the prescribed product. The quality is solid!” By Mr. Maniac, St. Louis, MO
Please Note: Before adding any new supplements, especially those containing Vitamin K, please check with your doctor or pharmacist for any drug interactions ( this is especially true if you are on any meds like Coumadin).
C) Vitamin K2 Supplements
The following conditions may put you at an increased risk of vitamin K deficiency:
- Eating a poor or restricted diet
- Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Celiac Disease and other conditions that interfere with nutrient absorption
- Liver disease that interferes with vitamin K storage
- Taking drugs such as broad-spectrum antibiotics, cholesterol drugs and aspirin
Who Needs Vitamin K?
If you have, or if your family has, a history of osteoporosis or heart disease, or any of the IBD diseases such as IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, studies indicate the importance of adding vitamin K to your diet. Keep in mind that you’d have to eat over one pound of collard greens daily to get the equivalent amount of vitamin K. Clearly the collard greens or spinach would be better for you and would provide you with additional benefits, but if you already have heart disease a little extra vitamin K would seem a simple bit of insurance to make sure that your blood vessels don’t harden.
You will also want to consider adding vitamin K to your diet if you do not eat many vegetables and are concerned that, for whatever reason, you are unable to obtain enough vitamin K from your food.
And because there is a Synergistic Effects Between Vitamin K and Vitamin D.
It’s important to realize that vitamin K does not work alone. It needs collaborators—and vitamin D is an important one.
Different Kinds of Vitamin K
Vitamin K can be classified as either K1 or K2:
Vitamin K1: Found in green vegetables, K1 goes directly to your liver and helps you maintain a healthy blood clotting system. (This is the kind of K that infants need to help prevent a serious bleeding disorder.) It is also vitamin K1 that keeps your own blood vessels from calcifying, and helps your bones retain calcium and develop the right crystalline structure.
Vitamin K2: Bacteria produce this type of vitamin K. It is present in high quantities in your gut, but unfortunately is not absorbed from there and passes out in your stool. K2 goes straight to vessel walls, bones, and tissues other than your liver. It is present in fermented foods, particularly cheese and the Japanese food natto, which is by far the richest source of K2.
According to Dr. Mercola, he strongly encourages those concerned about Vitamin K deficiency to make sure they find some regular source of vitamin K2. This will mean eating about four ounces of fermented cheese a day (preferably raw) or taking a high quality vitamin K2 supplement, which is what I have opted to do.
K2 capsule
Click here to see the K2 I take
This Vitamin K2 product is an important one to take, BUT should only be taken if you are simply taking Vitamin D3 ( not with the one in #2 above, Vitamins D & K, with Sea Iodine, because this one already contains Vitamin K2 in it). The reason I am giving you information on this one, is because I want to give you options to take it separately.
There are three forms of vitamin K that the human body can utilize to promote arterial health and bone support.1-8 Life Extension®’s Super K with Advanced K2 Complex provides the dynamic trio of vitamin K forms in one softgel, including vitamin K1, vitamin K2 (MK-4), and vitamin K2 (MK-7).
Vitamin K1 is the form of vitamin K that is found in green vegetables. K1 is tightly bound to plant fiber, so only a fraction is absorbed into the bloodstream. Supplementation ensures ample K1 blood levels. Vitamin K2 is usually found in meats, dairy, and egg yolks. Since you may be avoiding these foods for health reasons, ingesting a K2 supplement is essential. MK-4 is the most rapidly absorbed form of K2, and MK-7 boasts a very long half-life in the body, making both forms the perfect complement to any vitamin K regimen.9
“Mk7 is recommended by Dr.Mercola to take with vitamin D. I trust him on this. I’m not sure if I get enough K in my diet as I’m not a big eater and I don’t eat lots of eggs,cheese,cream,natto etc. This will help.” By Liz the healthnut , Portland OR
“Have been using this product for years as one of many supplements to help keep bones strong. My bone density scan showed improvement.” By Linda T, Plantation FL
“Convenient and such an important supplement!” By *Small But Mighty, Mililani, HI
“Perhaps your annual physical might show some results…As for me, I feel GR8… Use as directed…” By Dr Dopey, Texas
Please Note: Before adding any new supplements, especially those containing Vitamin K, please check with your doctor or pharmacist for any drug interactions ( this is especially true if you are on any meds like Coumadin).
Where do I buy my Vitamin K2?
As a result of much research, I have added Vitamin K2 to my diet, and I purchase it directly, Click here to see the K2 I take
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
D) Algaecal and Strontium
Does Your IBD, UC, Crohn’s Put You At Risk For Osteopenia and Osteoporosis?
When you are suffering from IBD, UC, Crohn’s, it is important for you to know that you are at risk of Osteopenia (bone loss), and Osteoporosis. This is a direct result of: the side effects from the medications, and also the malabsorption of nutrients due to damage that has happened to your gut and colon as a result of the disease process.
Why are Osteopenia and Osteoporosis such important factors?
As Dr. Oz said in his show “… Frailty is the main reason you die too young…” (please see video in the link provided below).
And frailty is a result of weak bones, and bones that are losing bone density.
I can tell you that from my own short term use of antacids, mesalamines, and steroids prior to my developing an alternative protocol, I had Osteopenia. My doctor wanted to put me on Fosomax, but knowing these type of drugs have irreversible side effects which are quite serious, I researched alternative approaches to stop bone loss, and increase my bone density, and can tell you that I no longer have Osteopenia.
Since then, I have spoken to countless IBD and UC patients who have been diagnosed with Osteopenia and Osteoporosis, and have been prescribed by their doctors, bisphosphonate drugs like Fosomax, Boniva, Reclast, among others. So, if you’ve been on any course (regardless of how long or short) of steroids, or any of the drugs listed below in Medications That May Cause Bone Loss, please make sure you have a Bone Density Test and an evaluation of your risk factor.
What’s the problem with these drugs?
All you need to do is a google search to see lots of lawsuits, and reports of an association between bisphosphonate use and two rare (not so rare, and certainly under-reported in my opinion) but serious problems — osteonecrosis of the jaw and a specific type of fracture in the long bone of the leg (femur) — have raised concerns.
Did you doctor tell you that your medications and disease could be putting you at risk of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis?
The National Osteoporosis Foundation has defined:
“Low Bone Density (Osteopenia)
Low bone density (osteopenia) is when your bone density is lower than normal, but not low enough to be considered osteoporosis. It may mean that you have a greater chance of getting osteoporosis if you lose bone in the future because you have less bone to lose. People with low bone density are more likely to break a bone compared to people with normal bone density.
Detecting Low Bone Density
A bone density test will determine whether you have normal bone density, low bone density or osteoporosis. Having low bone density does not necessarily mean you are losing bone. Your bone density may still be considered normal for you. Some people never have normal bone density for a variety of reasons, such as genetics (your genes), body size or certain diseases and conditions. The older you are the more likely you are to have low bone density.
Understanding Your Bone Density Test
The result of your bone density test as a special number called a T-score. A T-score between –1.0 and –2.5 means you have low bone density. Examples are having a T-score of -1.2, -1.5, -2.0 and -2.2. A person with a T-score of -2.2 has lower bone density than a person with a T-score of -1.2.
If you have low bone density, your healthcare provider may recommend an osteoporosis medicine.. Be sure to talk about the risks and benefits of taking (or not taking) a medicine. The fracture risk assessment tool, FRAX can be used to estimate your chance of breaking a bone within the next 10 years. This online tool can help you decide whether you might benefit from taking an osteoporosis medicine at this time.”
“Medicines that May Cause Bone Loss
Some medicines can be harmful to your bones, even if you need to take these medicines for another condition. Bone loss is usually greater if you take them in high doses or for a long time. It’s important to talk with your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of any medicines you take and about how they may affect your bones. Do not stop any treatment or change the dose of your medicines unless your healthcare provider says it’s safe to do so. If you need to take a medicine that causes bone loss, work with your healthcare provider to take the lowest possible dose to control your symptoms.
Below is a list of medicines that may cause bone loss.
- Aluminum-containing antacids
- Antiseizure medicines (only some) such as Dilantin® or Phenobarbital
- Aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex®, Aromasin® and Femara®
- Cancer chemotherapeutic drugs
- Cyclosporine A and FK506 (Tacrolimus)
- Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) such as Lupron® and Zoladex®
- Heparin
- Lithium
- Medroxyprogesterone acetate for contraception (Depo-Provera®)
- Methotrexate
- Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as Nexium®, Prevacid® and Prilosec®
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Lexapro®, Prozac® and Zoloft®
- Steroids (glucocorticoids) such as cortisone and prednisone
- Tamoxifen® (premenopausal use)
- Thiazolidinediones such as Actos® and Avandia®
- Thyroid hormones in excess
Note: This list may not include all medicines that may cause bone loss.
Osteoporosis and Steroid Medicines
While steroid medicines can be lifesaving treatments for some conditions, they can also cause bone loss and osteoporosis. These medicines are often referred to as steroids, glucocorticoids or corticosteroids. They should not be confused with anabolic steroids, which are male hormones that some athletes use to build muscle.
Steroids are much like certain hormones made by your own body. Healthcare providers prescribe them for many conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis (but not osteoarthritis), asthma, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease, lupus and allergies. They are often prescribed to relieve inflammation. They are also used along with other medicines to treat cancer and autoimmune conditions and to support organ transplants. Common steroid medicines are cortisone, dexamethasone (Decadron®), methylprednisolone (Medrol®) and prednisone. Intravenous forms include methylprednisolone sodium succinate (Solu-Medrol®).
Taking steroid medicines as pills in a dose of 5 mg or more for three or more months can increase the chance of bone loss and developing osteoporosis.
Talk with your healthcare provider about taking the lowest dose for the shortest period of time for your condition. If you need to take steroid medicines for longer than this, you should take steps to prevent bone loss. While taking steroids, it is especially important to get enough calcium and vitamin D. It’s also important to exercise and not smoke. You may also want to ask your healthcare provider if you need a bone density test.”
Many of these drugs interfere with Vitamin D absorption & metabolism, may cause deficiency of folate and/or vitamin B6, and reduce blood levels of vitamin K – all of which play important roles in bone health.
So, What Can You Do?
1.Take A Highly Bio-Available Form of Calcium
Not all calcium are bio-available. Several different forms of calcium are used in supplements, but they are not equally well absorbed or utilized by our bodies. YOU need the most effectively absorbed and able-to-be-utilized-by-your-bones form of calcium. Many calcium supplements are hard on your gut and are constipating. AlgaeCal is neither because it’s derived from sea-algae, a living plant.
That’s why I only take AlgaeCal. Whereas other calcium supplements are derived from inedible rock, AlgaeCal is derived from sea-algae, i.e., from living plants that draw calcium and 70 other minerals from sea water and convert them into nourishing form. Thus, AlgaeCal’s plant-digested calcium is optimally bio-available. And many of those other minerals naturally present in AlgaeCal (also in highly bio-available form) play important roles in building bone.
AlgaeCal has been featured on the Dr. Oz Show
Algaecal® Plus is a plant source of calcium and vital bone building minerals such as magnesium, boron, silica, strontium and more…. All derived from a South American Algae called Algas Calcareas™.
Algas Calcareas™ is USDA and IFOAM certified organic, making AlgaeCal the perfect calcium supplement for anyone looking for a raw whole food source of minerals.
This whole food calcium complex is also enhanced with the essential bone supporting ingredients, vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and Boron glucinate to create the clinically proven bone health builder, AlgaeCal® Plus.
Each Bottle Contains: |
- 90 Easy-to-Swallow Veggie Capsules
- 30 Days Supply for Bone Health Maintenance
- Non Constipating Calcium
- Vegetarian Friendly
AlgaeCal Plus Dosage Information
- Suggested Use – take AlgaeCal Plus with your meals for optimal results
- For prevention or maintenance – take 3 capsules per day
- For bone growth – take 2 capsules in the morning with breakfast and 2 with your evening meal
*Frequently Asked Question – if your doctor recommends 1200 mg of calcium per day how much AlgaeCal do I need?
On average you get 700 mg of calcium from your diet, so you would need to supplement 500 mg of calcium – 3 capsules of AlgaeCal Plus = 540 mg calcium. Each AlgaeCal capsule contains 180 mg of calcium.
Important Dosing Instructions if you are also Taking Strontium Boost
For optimal results, do not take strontium together with calcium because these two chemically similar minerals compete at the sites of absorption. Best to take your strontium first thing in the morning, half an hour to an hour before breakfast, or three hours after the last meal of the day. Take your AlgaeCal Plus calcium supplement separately, with a meal.
Where do I buy my AlgaeCal Plus Combo ( AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium)?
Click on the link below:
2. Ensure You Are Getting Vitamin D3 In An Amount Sufficient To Meet YOUR Specific Needs
We’ve discussed the importance of getting tested for Vitamin D3 deficiency in prior Updates ( # 18).You will need more vitamin D than the average person to get your levels up where they should be. Fortunately, this is easy to do. You just need to have your vitamin D3 levels checked, and then supplement with the amount of vitamin D that YOU need to bring your blood levels of 25(OH)D into optimal range, which is 60-80 ng/mL. For some of us it may mean a daily Vitamin D3 dosage of 3,000 mg, and for others it may mean a daily dosage of 5,000 mg or 10,000 mg – it’s all dependent upon how deficient you are.
3. Make Sure You Are Getting Sufficient Vitamin K2 To Benefit From Your Vitamin D3-Enhanced Ability To Absorb Calcium
We’ve discussed the importance of adding Vitamin K2 to your regimen in a prior Update (# 8), and the synergistic relationship between Vitamin D3, K2, and Calcium (the right kind of Calcium). Vitamin D greatly increases your body’s ability to absorb calcium, but it does not tell your body what to do with the calcium you can now absorb. That is the job of Vitamin K, specifically, vitamin K in its K2 form. There are 3 forms of vitamin K available in supplements – vitamin K1, and two types of vitamin K2, MK-4 and MK-7. Vitamin K1 does help lower inflammation (which is good for your bones since too much inflammation activates osteoclasts, the specialized cells that break down bone), but K1 does nothing to activate the proteins that put calcium into bone and keep it out of your arteries. Only vitamin K2 activates these proteins.
4. Add Strontium – It Helps Build Bones
Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
by Ward Dean, MD
“…In 1985, Dr. Stanley C. Skoryna of McGill University in Montreal conducted a small-scale study that pointed to a potential role for strontium in the treatment of humans. Three men and three women with osteoporosis were each given 600 to 700 mg/day of strontium in the form of strontium carbonate. Bone biopsies were taken in each patient at the iliac crest (hip bone), before and after six months of treatment with strontium. Biopsy samples showed a 172 percent increase in the rate of bone formation after strontium therapy, with no change in bone resorption. The patients receiving strontium remarked that the pains in their bones had diminished and their ability to move around had improved…
Take Note:
Dr. J.Y. Reginster (2002), one of the principal strontium researchers, cautions that co-administration of strontium with calcium appears to impair strontium absorption,10 so I recommend that strontium be taken on an empty stomach, and that it especially not be taken with other multi-minerals that usually include calcium…”
Strontium Boost™ is a strontium citrate supplement that is clinically proven to increase mineral density when taken with AlgaeCal Plus®. The strontium citrate in our product is natural strontium which is an element mined from the earth. This strontium is combined with citric acid which is what is found in citrus fruits like oranges to form strontium citrate. All the ingredients found in Strontium Boost™ are completely natural.
If you are actively trying to grow bone because you have been diagnosed with osteopenia, osteoporosis or you are at risk of developing osteoporosis then it is recommended to take AlgaeCal Plus®and Strontium Boost™.
Each Bottle Contains:
![]() |
Strontium Boost Dosage Information
If you are actively trying to build bone, Strontium Boost is very important. This formula was included in the AlgaeCal Bone Health Program because recent exciting French studies have shown Strontium to be very effective in enhancing bone growth. Strontium is a naturally occurring element in the earth which is quite similar chemically to calcium. It is completely safe and non-toxic. Several studies on various forms of strontium have shown extraordinary results on bone growth, dental cavities and arthritis H.
Important Dosing Instructions
For optimal results, take 3 capsules of Strontium Boost per day.
Important Dosing Instructions if you are also Taking AlgaeCal or any Calcium product
*Do not take strontium together with calcium because these two chemically similar minerals compete at the sites of absorption. Best to take your strontium first thing in the morning, half an hour to an hour before breakfast, or three hours after the last meal of the day. Take your AlgaeCal Plus calcium supplement separately, with a meal.
Where do I buy my Strontium Boost and AlgaeCal Plus Combo ( AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium)? click on the link below:
Strontium Boost will help increase bone density, Guaranteed!
AlgaeCal Calcium
As always, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor for any possible drug interactions, especially if you are on any blood thinning medications.
“Fighting Osteoporosis With AlgaeCal!”
“I am 59 years old and have had osteoporosis for the past ten years due to frequent prednisone use for ulcerative colitis. Every year my test results have gotten worse. I tried Fosamax and Actonel, but was allergic to both of them. As I was searching the Internet for something natural that would increase bone density, I came across Algaecal. I was impressed with what I read and told my doctor that I was going to take 4 Algaecal Plus and 3 Strontium Boost daily for one year. If my bone density showed significant improvement, she could offer her patients an alternative to synthetic drugs for osteoporosis.
During this past year I had to take prednisone on four separate occasions. So, my hopes of any significant improvement seemed slim. I recently had my bone density test done (July 3,2008) – exactly one year to the day from my last one. I was amazed at the improvement.
My left hip went from a T-score of -2.6 to a -2.4. The left femoral neck of my left hip went from a -3.2 to a -2.9. There was an increase in the composite bone mineral density of 2.8%.
My total lumbar spine went from a T-score of -2.7 to a -2.3. The L3 region went from -3.0 to a -2.6, and the L4 region went from a -3.4 to a -2.7. This was an increase in the composite bone mineral density by 5.8%.
My left forearm went from a -2.8 to a -2.7. This was an increase in the composite bone mineral density by 0.5%.
In every area I improved. I am hopeful that one day I will be osteoporosis free! I am so thankful to God for leading me to this product, and I highly recommend this wonderful natural solution for osteoporosis.” – Betty Rombough , 3/18/09
“Improved My Bone Density!”
“Hi – I have just made my second big order with you and do have some exciting news to share.
My bone density was first tested five years ago when I was 55. Results were as follows:-
T Score Lumbar: – 3,8 T Score Femur: – 2,7
Z Score Lumbar – 2,2 Z Score Femur – 1,5
Over the next few years I tried all sorts of natural things but my bone density kept going down and last year (2007) I was at:
T Score Lumbar – 4,3 T Score Femur – 3,1
Z Score Lumbar – 2,4 Z Score Femur – 1,7
You can imagine I was feeling a bit desperate at this point so I went on to Livial but also did some more research into the natural fields. I might add here that I have coeliac disease which I am sure has caused a problem with absorption – the calcium I was taking was just not getting through apparently. I discovered Algaecal and decided to give it a try, taking both Algaecal Plus and Strontium Boost. I found I tolerated both no problem and have taken them for a year now. Imagine my delight when I went for a bone density test a week or so ago and found my results to be better on the whole than when I was first measured. Here are the results for June 2008:
T Score Lumbar – 3,8 T Score Femur – 2,5
Z Score Lumbar – 1,8 Z Score Femur – 1
So I will continue with Algaecal Plus and Strontium Boost (plus Livial for the time being) a healthy diet and reasonable exercise. I am almost sixty now, around 5ft and weigh approx 100lbs. I feel great and will let you know my results again next year – I anticipate more success! Many thanks for your excellent product and very good service.” –Carola Leonard
“Hi, in 2007 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. After one year on Fosamax there was no improvement. Still bone loss. I stopped taking it.
I found AlgaeCal and began the program. Although I have had periods where I’ve missed taking the AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost (ran out, late re-ordering), there has been continual improvement.
In 2011 scan tests showed no osteoporosis but improvement to osteopoenia. Today, 24th September 2012, scan results show NO osteo problems. Totally reversed. I have better than normal bone density for my age. I’m 62 this year. Wahoo !! Will put another order in asap and make sure I don’t forget again. Thank you AlgaeCal !” – Janice Mau, 9/24/12
“My lumbar spine density has increased 16.6% and my femoral neck density has increased by 5.1% since my last test in 2008“
“I’ve been on your regime for bone building for several years now, and am very pleased with the bone density test results from January this year. My lumbar spine density has increased by 16.6% and my femoral neck density has increased by 5.1%, since my last test in 2008.
I credit algaecal and strontium with the increase, also my diet. I do believe that changing to an alkaline diet is something that you could promote. Dairy products and most animal products have an acidic effect on the body, so promoting these as sources of calcium is perhaps inadvisable. Establishing a plant-based diet with the emphasis on the more alkaline items is very beneficial. There is a lot of medical information online to explain how the body pulls calcium from the bones when the system is acidic. It doesn’t matter how many supplements you take, if the calcium is being excreted at a great rate!
Anyway, I am convinced of the benefits of algaecal and strontium, and will continue on those supplements at least until my bone density registers in the normal range. Then I will try a couple of years without, maintaining my alkaline diet, and see how I go.
Thanks for being there” :-). Judy MacDonnell, 3/15/12
“…the 17% increase was surely the result of my taking Strontium Boost…My specialist said this was EXCEPTIONAL”
“Today I had my annual visit with the specialist treating me. He didn’t know I already had a copy of the results of the last test. So he announced to me the 17% increase, showed me the color graphic showing how I moved from the Orange area to the light Green area, skipping the Yellow area, and said: this is surely the result of my taking Strontium.
He also said this was EXCEPTIONAL results, even if sometimes there is the possibility of exaggerated or false reading, if we take 50% of that or a 8% increase in my bone density, it is still exceptional. Medication he normally prescribe gives 2 or 3% annually only. I’m very happy to hear him admit quite freely that what I was taking was the cause of my getting so much better. He told me to continue with that.” – Andre Robert
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
5) The importance of Whey Protein
Because Whey Protein contains high concentrations of Glutamine, which is one of the most important nutrients for your intestines. Glutamine is the primary energy source for your immune system. It has the ability to “repair Leaky Gut Syndrome” by maintaining the integrity of the bowels.
Although Glutamine is an amino acid that is frequently used as a sports and fitness supplement, it has been found to help modulate the immune system and protect the mucosal protective layer in the intestine. Studies have demonstrated that glutamine can help improve blood flow in inflamed segments of the colon in patients who have ulcerative colitis, although its benefits did not extend to the most seriously affected portion of the colon (Kruschewski M et al 1998). Glutamine is also able to reduce leakiness of the intestine, which may help to reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.
Glutathione, a small peptide found in the highest concentrations in fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean meats is also beneficial to the small intestine, since it can directly act as an antioxidant in the intestinal tract and help decrease damaging molecules that may be produced during inflammation. Vitamin C, from citrus fruits, and vitamin E, found in whole grain cereals and nut oils, are important antioxidants for the small intestine and work with glutathione to support intestinal healing.The cells that line the intestinal tract need fuel to continue their process of nutrient uptake. The preferred fuel for these cells is the amino acid glutamine, which can be obtained from proteins. Some studies have shown that short-chain fatty acids may also support the small intestinal tract barrier because they can serve as an alternate fuel for the cells that make up the intestinal lining. The small intestinal tract cells also require energy to maintain integrity of the cell wall, and production of energy requires healthy levels of vitamin B5. Mushrooms, cauliflower, sunflower seeds, corn, broccoli, and yogurt are concentrated sources of vitamin B5. The intestinal tract cells also require a number of vitamins, so adequate overall nutrition is necessary.
What do you need to know? 9 Essentials to Look for in Your Whey Protein Powder
Many make it a point to start their day with a whey protein shake . They aim to support good bacteria in their gut and boost their energy and muscle strength – not to mention give their mornings a delicious start!
The bad news is that not all whey protein powders are created equal.
Natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola says that many commercially-available whey protein powders “are significantly damaged and nutritionally deficient due to over-processing and because the original source of the whey is compromised.”
Dangerous levels of heavy metals are also found in some popular leading brands. A recent test from Consumer Reports showed that 3 of the 15 protein drinks tested contained risky levels of arsenic, cadmium, and lead.
Unsure about your whey protein powder? Dr. Mercola presents the 9 essentials to look for:
- All-natural, grass-fed cows’ whey
Beware of pesticide-treated, grain-fed cows’ whey. All-natural, grass-fed cows’ whey offers a superior amino acid and nutrient profile. It is also rich in healthy fats like lipolic acid and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). - Hormone-free, NOT hormonally treated cow source
“Many American dairy farmers inject the hormone rBGH in dairy cows to increase milk production. This hormone has been linked to serious diseases, including cancer,” reveals Dr. Mercola. - Cold-processed, NOT heat-processed
Cold processing protects the natural nutrients in whey. Heat processing, on the other hand, makes the whey acidic, nutritionally deficient, and inadequate for consumption. It also damages the amino acids and micronutrients that are present. - Acid-free processing, NOT acid / ion exchange processing
Acid / ion exchange processing may be cheaper, but it denatures the amino acid profiles. This is because it uses acids and chemicals to separate the whey from the fats. - Whey protein concentrate
Say no to protein isolates, or proteins that are stripped away from their nutritional cofactors. Your body cannot assimilate proteins in isolated form. - Low carb and naturally sweetened
Never take anything with artificial sweeteners, unless you want to subject yourself to a host of health problems. Your whey protein powder should be low glycemic, low carb, and not contain sugar, gluten, artificial sweeteners, fructose, glycerin, or sugar alcohol. - Maximum biological value
The ingredients, source, nutrient concentration, and type of processing affect the whey’s quality and ability to deliver health benefits. Choose one that can retain maximum biological value – instead of those that are damaged and missing key amino acids and nutrients. - Easy to digest
Avoid digestive stress. Look for a whey protein powder with medium chain triglycerides (MCT), which supports easy absorption and quick digestion. All-natural coconut oil is the best source of MCT, says Dr. Mercola. - Free from toxic heavy metals
Both whey and non-whey protein powders could contain harmful levels of heavy metals: mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium, to name a few. Choose ones that have no or very low levels that won’t pose a health risk.
Where do I buy my Whey Protein?
Which Whey Protein do I take? I take Dr. Mercola’s Pro-Optimal Whey Protein because it is well formulated into a high quality product which gives you what you need: Glutamine, and Glutathione, and to make it easily digestible it contains some digestive enzymes as well. It is available in vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavors, and if you don’t like it, you can try one of his other high quality whey protein products – all manufactured to the same high standard. His Whey Protein products satisfy all the nine essentials above, and is certified free of GMO ingredients, pesticides, and chemicals. You can get his Pro-Optimal Whey Protein on his website:
Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (2009), Issue 21, p302, defines Bowel Rest as:
“A definition of the medical term “bowel rest” which refers to the intentional restriction of oral nutrition, usually used with other therapies for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, is presented.”
A word about Bowel Rest – a term used that means your intake limits your digestive process and literally rests your colon from doing work; typically this means a liquid diet. Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor may prescribe you do this in the hospital, so it can be done via intravenous fluids or through a feeding tube while being monitored.
Bowel Rest through:
1) Intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration, basically nothing is given by mouth, administered in the hospital
2) Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) – feeding tube (can be done in or out of the hospital)
3) at home by severly limiting your ingestion of foods (see below)
Depending upon how severe your flare or condition is (please check with your doctor for his input of course), there are ways you can do this Bowel Rest from home, within your control, and its purpose is to “calm” your colon down. In years past, when I was flaring badly, I would do Bowel Rest for 3-4 days, and always found it to be soothing to the gut, almost as if it enabled a “reset” of sorts.
How did I do my Bowel Rest?
It would mean that for 3-4 days, I would have 5-6 protein shakes a day. To ensure the best possible outcome and nutritionally balanced sustenance, I would add the liquid vitamins and liquid minerals ( I addressed this in an earlier Update), D-Ribose powder (important sugar necessary for ATP cellular production), in addition to other supplements like L-Glutamine amino acid powder, Maca Powder, Chia Seeds ( all addressed in earlier Updates) – for the recipe, please see Morning Glory Shake above.
There are other schools of thought on this; some who believe that bowel rest should be done with chicken broth or vegetable broth. Although these are great, I don’t agree because they do not provide your body with the adequate nutrition or protein your body requires. That’s the reason I strongly recommend Bowel Rest done with Protein Shakes (with either almond milk or rice milk, no soy).
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
6) All-Inclusive Digestive Enzymes
– by enabling the digestive process through the addition of especially formulated Digestive Enzymes – these particular digestive enzymes are complete, they contain all the enzymes you would need (many on the market, only contain 2 or 3 of the digestive enzymes we need) – which plays an important role in the class of IBD related diseases.
Do you suffer suffer from any of the following symptoms:
- Indigestion?
- Prolonged feeling of fullness ?
- Bloating?
- Gas?
- Abdominal cramps?
Difficulty gaining weight, or losing weight?
- Constipation (often related to roughage and fiber)?
- Diarrhea?
- Undigested food in the stool?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then you may be suffering from weakened digestion. Continued weakend digestion may lead to:
- malabsorption of nutrients (which could make you malnourished),
- food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities,
- intestinal fermentation,
- intestinal putrefaction,
- and intestinal hyperpermeability also known as “Leaky Gut”
It’s no secret that as we age it becomes harder to enjoy a meal without suffering from some type of digestive discomfort. The reason is that every 10 years of life the pancreas produces fewer digestive enzymes. In addition, our modern diets are largely void of natural plant enzymes. This overall lack of enzymes causes the body to work harder, putting a strain on our internal organs and digestive system. This results in symptoms as minor as heartburn and bloating, but can lead to symptoms as major as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Food enzymes are released by the action of chewing, which ruptures the food’s cell membranes. Like salivary enzymes, raw food enzymes play an important role in human digestion by predigesting food in the upper stomach, where contents may sit for as long as an hour before gastric secretions begin their action. Since enzymes are essentially destroyed at 118ºF, most forms of cooking and industrial food preparation render food devoid of enzyme activity. This places the full burden of digestion on body processes and reserves. In time, this burden can weaken or overwhelm an individual’s ability to process and absorb vital the food nutrients we need. Many health professionals believe that the prevalence of cooked and processed foods in modern society makes supplementation with digestive enzymes essential. Digestive enzymes also may be of benefit to those who experience poor digestion and absorption.
Good health begins with proper digestion
Specialized cells in the pancreas, stomach and salivary glands produce digestive enzymes. These enzymes, along with those found in live foods, facilitate the break-down of food that results in their absorption and the eventual production of energy. When we eat a meal, producing digestive enzymes becomes a high priority for the body, requiring a lot of energy and adding stress to the pancreas. Despite this effort, digestive enzyme needs may still not meet the demands of the body, and undigested food particles may remain. These particles can accumulate and prevent proper nutrient absorption, cause digestive discomfort, or worse, leak back into the bloodstream from the colon and cause toxicity.
There are a many causes of indigestion and other digestive disorders. At least 10% of the population is lactose intolerant. Combine this with non-digestible complex sugars from legumes, cruciferous vegetables and cereal grains, abdominal discomfort, bloating and gas are inevitable. Others consume far more protein than their body’s enzymes can digest, resulting in digestive discomfort. Typically, people reach for an antacid, which only neutralizes stomach acid and slows the digestive process. Yet, the true cause for indigestion has not been addressed. Digestive enzyme supplementation can enhance nutrient absorption, relieve digestive discomfort and promote overall better health.
DigeSEB-GI for Complete Digestion
DigeSEB®-GI is a premium, all-inclusive blend of digestive enzymes formulated to optimize digestion of:
- dairy,
- legumes,
- cruciferous vegetables,
- cereal grains,
- proteins,
- and other foods
DigeSEB-GI includes:
- alpha and beta amylase,
- invertase, maltase,
- alpha galactosidase,
- lipase,
- cellulase and
- a complete array of protease enzymes,
all of which together, are designed to enhance the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, while increasing the nutritional value of food and reducing the discomforts of incomplete digestion.
DigeSEB-GI contains all-natural digestive enzymes specifically tailored to break down a broad range of foods into nutrients that your body can readily use. The powerful combination of proteases in DigeSEB–GI helps hydrolyze proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids. Further, these enzymes are designed to be effective across a wide pH range throughout the entire digestive track.
After about the age of two years, the body begins to produce less lactase. Undigested lactose molecules pass into the colon and are fermented by bacteria, contributing to bloating, cramping and gas. DigeSEB-GI supports the digestion of lactose, as well as casein and other proteins and fats inherent in dairy products.
DigeSEB-GI is also formulated to assist in the breakdown of carbohydrates found in vegetables, grains and legumes. Complex carbohydrates found in these foods are very nutrient dense but slow to digest. Undigested food is fermented in the colon, which can cause discomfort and limit the amount of nutrients made available for the body to absorb. The inclusion of two kinds of amylase in DigeSEB-GI helps breakdown carbohydrates and assimilates them into usable sugars and starches. The complete digestion formula also contains HemiSEB®, a special enzyme complex that breaks down hard-to-digest components of plant fiber. Alpha-galactosidase breaks down complex carbohydrates found in legumes, vegetables, and grains, while reducing the discomforts of incomplete digestion.*
Complete Digestion
- Breaks down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and dairy products
- Relieves indigestion, gas & bloating
- Enhances nutrient absorption
- Improves overall digestive function
90 capsules: $34.99 Now $29.99
180 capsules: $59.98 Now $52.98
Insufficient amounts of digestive enzymes can cause or worsen abnormal digestive conditions, such as maldigestion, food allergies and sensitivities, intestinal fermentation, putrefaction, and intestinal hyperpermeability (or “leaky gut”).
The use of digestive enzyme supplements to assist in the proper breakdown and assimilation of nutrients from food has been extensively studied and reviewed. Specifically, research using microbial-sourced enzymes supports their use to aid in healthy digestion.
In a study investigating lactose maldigestion resulting from a lactase insufficiency, lactase derived from Aspergillus oryzae was added directly to milk that was given to preschool children. Subjects showed an improvement of lactose digestion, which researchers directly linked to the additional enzymes.1
Supplementation of microbial lipase has been studied in a number of applications and shown to be beneficial.2,3 Lipase supplementation can reduce fecal fat content and total stool volume, and was found to be more effective at lower concentrations when compared to animal-sourced lipase.3
Protein digestion is an important consideration when assessing effectiveness of reducing allergy and leaky gut symptoms. Enzymes taken orally at meals may improve the digestion of dietary protein and, as a result, decrease the amount of antigenic protein particles leaking into circulation. Additionally, protease enzymes from Aspergillus oryzae appear to be absorbed intact following oral administration. It has been propsed that once in the bloodstream they may further breakdown and previously absorbed antigenic dietary proteins they encounter, potentially decreasing an allergic response.4,5
DigeSEB-GI is a complete and optimal digestive formula containing the following ingredients:
Enzymes | How It Works |
Amylase | Breaks down carbohydrates, more specifically starch, into smaller dextrins and sugars; produced naturally by humans, microorganisms and plants |
Proteases | Hydrolyze protein such as casein, steak, gelatin, soy, fish and other plant and animal proteins into smaller chains of polypeptides (small proteins) and amino acids for easier uptake throughout the body |
Lipase | Breaks down fats into essential fatty acids needed for healthy tissues and cells* |
Lactase | Breaks down milk sugars (lactose) |
Hemicellulase | Breaks down carbohydrates, including fiber and other plant polysaccharides |
Cellulase | Breaks down carbohydrates, like fiber and other plant polysaccharides |
Maltase | Breaks down starch into the sugar maltose |
Invertase | Breaks down sucrose into the simple sugars glucose and fructose |
Bromelain | A collective name for the proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes found in the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus); known for its digestive properties. A good substitute for animal-based, digestive enzymes pepsin and trypsin due to its activity across a wide pH range |
Serrapeptase (Peptizyme SP® Brand) | Enzyme used by silkworms to dissolve their silken cocoons; A systemic enzyme which has been isolated, studied and used extensively for more than 50 years for its excellent fibrinolytic (fibrin-digesting), proteolytic (protein-digesting) and anti-inflammatory properties* |
Papain | Obtained from the latex of the fruit of the Papaya tree, papain has been used for centuries as an effective digestive aid* |
Alpha-Galactosidase | Breaks down complex carbohydrates commonly contained in legumes such as raffinose and stachyose |
Amla | Also known as Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis); a natural, efficacious antioxidant, and one of the richest sources of absorbable vitamin C |
Papaya Powder | From green papaya fruit; a natural source of papain and chymopapain, two enzymes well-known for their digestive and proteolytic (protein-digesting) properties |
1. Whitney EN, et al. Understanding Nutrition 5th ed., St. Pail, MN: West Publishing Co., 1990; 144.
2. Schneider MU, et al. Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy: comparative effects of conventional and enteric-coated microspheric pancreatin and acid-stable fungal enzyme preparations on steatorrhea in chronic pancreatitis. Hepato-gastroenterol. 1985; 32: 97-102.
3. Griffin SM, et al. Acid resistant lipase as a replacement therapy in chronic pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: a study in dogs. Gut 1989; 30: 1012-15.
4. Walker WA, et al. Antigen absorption from the small intestine and gastrointestinal disease. Ped Clinics N Amer. 1975; 22(4): 731-46.
5. Jackson PG, et al. Intestinal permeability in patients with eczema and food allergy. Lancet 1981; June 13: 1285-86.
What is digestive enzyme therapy?
Digestive enzyme therapy is the use of plant or animal-based dietary supplements to aid in digestion and promote balanced metabolism.* All of our products are of plant origin, meaning they are 100% vegetarian/vegan. Although the body is equipped with enzymes that perform digestive actions, certain conditions can affect their production and effectiveness. States of disease and aging are both factors affecting enzyme production and action.
What is a digestive proteolytic enzyme?
Proteolytic enzymes break down proteins into their building-blocks, which are called amino acids. The body requires 20 different amino acids, 8 of which are referred to as essential amino acids because they cannot be synthesized by the human body. These essential amino acids must be obtained from the food we eat. Without sufficient proteolytic enzymes, the body is unable to break down and absorb these necessary nutrients. Failure to fully digest proteins can result in undesirable symptoms such as bloating, abdominal cramping, flatulence and diarrhea.
How long should I take DigeSEB-GI before feeling results?
DigeSEB-GI should be taken 5-10 minutes prior to eating. The typical, recommended dose is 1 to 2 capsules per meal. There are several variables that may affect the required dosage, for example: Content of meal, Size of meal, Severity of intolerance, and Nutritional status.
Depending on these variables, along with one’s individual response to digestive enzyme therapy, the dose can be as high as 4-5 capsules per meal. It is advisable to experiment with dosage, considering there is no upper limit or adverse effects in exceeding your supplement needs.
What if I miss a dose?
Since digestive enzymes aid in digestion of food that is otherwise difficult to tolerate, finding yourself without them may be tricky. If you want to avoid the symptoms that can accompany indigestion, then the best advice would be to avoid the offending foods altogether. Unlike systemic enzymes, the effects of digestive enzymes can be seen quickly. Adjusting food content and finding an appropriate dosage is an important balance to achieve.
Why is it important to take DigeSEB-GI with food?
Since DigeSEB-GI aids in overall digestion, it is contraindicated to use the enzyme without eating. Although it is not harmful to take DigeSEB on an empty stomach, it is simply a waste of money. If you take digestive enzymes too soon before a meal, you risk the enzyme becoming inactive. The food and enzyme must be in the stomach together for proper results.
Are there any side effects involved with DigeSEB-GI?
Side effects with DigeSEB are rare, but not impossible. Mild cramping may occur, as the intestinal lining begins to cleanse. Other rare, but reported side effects include minor gastrointestinal disturbances, like bloating or gas. Starting off at a low dose can minimize any possible side effects. Side effects should clear with regular use, after a tolerance is established.
What does “proprietary blend” mean?
Proprietary refers to a patent, or ownership. Applying this concept to our digestive enzyme blend, it means that we alone own the rights to the specific blend of enzymes found in DigeSEB-GI, making our product different from similarly marketed digestive enzyme supplements. DigeSEB-GI encompasses an all-inclusive digestive aid product that assists in the digestion of several nutrients, not just beans and vegetables.
Can I take DigeSEB with other systemic or digestive enzymes?
Although digestive and systemic enzymes arenot contraindicated in terms of ingredients, they should not be taken at the same time. The purpose of digestive enzymes is to aid in digestion of specific foods, so taking them with food is an obvious recommendation. Because systemic enzymes require an empty stomach for maximum absorption, they must be taken separately from digestive enzymes. There are no adverse interactions between systemic and digestive enzymes, but they serve different purposes, and thus should be taken as directed for best results.
Can I open the capsule and pour it onto my food instead of swallowing the capsule?
If you find that you have trouble swallowing the capsules, pouring its contents onto food is definitely an option. You may also open the capsule into a glass of water, being sure to drink the entire glass. If you choose to take the enzymes this way, it is best to consume the entire content as soon as possible to ensure you are receiving the full benefits within your body (rather than on your plate).
“Thank you AST Enzymes for providing natural products that work!” “I am glad to be able to provide quick, natural solutions to my patients, whether they are dealing with pain, digestive…”– Dr. Novak, Chicago, IL
“The AST staff has been very helpful and courteous!” “I have been using DigeSEB-GI for over a month now. It really works effectively on getting the job done of…”– N. Novak, Hickory Hills, IL
Supplement FactsServing Size: 1 Capsule Servings Per Container: 90 |
Amount Per Serving: % DV |
DigeSEB® Super Proprietary\ Enzyme Blend: 300 mg * Amylase, Protease Blend (I, II and III), Lipase, Lactase, HemiSEB®, Cellulase, Maltase, Invertase, Bromelain, Peptizyme SP® (Serrapeptase), Papain and Alpha-Galactosidase in a base of Microcrystalline Cellulose |
*Daily Value (DV) not established |
Other ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose and cellulose (vegetarian capsule)
Directions: Take 1 to 2 capsules with each meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Store in cool, dry place with the lid tightly closed. Avoid excessive heat. Keep out of the reach of children.
Caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or under medical supervision, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Not intended for use by persons under the age of 18.
Free of pesticides, chemicals, preservatives, animal derivatives, dairy, lactose, yeast, fish or shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, artificial sweeteners and colors.
All individual enzymes and probiotics are kosher-certified, and suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Bioactive Protein Peptide System (BPPS®) is a proprietary manufacturing process featuring complementary bioactive peptides, ensuring greater enzyme stability, absorption and bio-availability.
Where do I buy my DigeSEB-GI Enzymes?
You can get them here
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
7) Natural Alternative to Mesalamine Enemas
This natural alternative to Mesalamine enemas, Butyrate, a short fatty chain acid, enema because of its mere biological make-up will work synergistically within your small intestine, and can begin to repair the colon damage your disease produced.
Butyrate (also known as butyric acid) is a short-chain fatty acid produced when intestinal fiber is metabolized by bacteria. Butyrate ameliorates inflammation in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease through mucosal repair, but its exact mechanism is not known.
Where do I get the Butyrate enemas?
These need to be gotten by prescription through your doctor.
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
8) Glutamine and Glutathione Supplementation
L-Glutamine is one of the most important nutrients for your intestines. Glutamine is the primary energy source for your immune system. It has the ability to “repair Leaky Gut Syndrome” by maintaining the integrity of the bowels.
Although Glutamine is an amino acid that is frequently used as a sports and fitness supplement, it has been found to help modulate the immune system and protect the mucosal protective layer in the intestine. Studies have demonstrated that glutamine can help improve blood flow in inflamed segments of the colon in patients who have ulcerative colitis, although its benefits did not extend to the most seriously affected portion of the colon (Kruschewski M et al 1998). Glutamine is also able to reduce leakiness of the intestine, which may help to reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.
There have been numerous studies done on Glutamine supplementation and its beneficial effects. Please see Scientific/Medical Studies page.
Glutamine is an amino acid that is the main source of energy for the mucosal cells that line the intestines, and helps them heal.
How do I take Glutamine?
I take it daily, mixed in my Morning Glory Shake.
Here’s the recipe for “Morning Glory Shake”:
- 8 oz. of Almond Milk
- 1 scoop of Pro-Optimal Whey Protein powder
- 1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds
- 1 teaspoon of Maca Root Powder
- 3 scoops of L-Glutamine powder (15 grams)
- 1 scoop of D-Ribose (5 grams)
Mix all the ingredients in a blender – on very low speed, as the amino acids in the Pro-Optimal Whey Protein are delicate and can easily be destroyed with heat (through high speed blenders which create heat), and enjoy. This “Morning Glory” shake is just delicious and so packed with all the nutrition you need, not just to start your day off right, but to help heal you immune system and colon.
Where do i get my L-Glutamine Powder
Click here to see the L-Glutamine Amino Acid Powder
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and plays vital roles in muscle repair and recovery, as well as colonic repair. Optimum Nutrition’s Glutamine Powder is made from pure L-Glutamine and is flavorless, making it easy to mix!
“Awesome product! It’s pretty simple – only ingredient is glutamine. I take 1 scoop (5g each night before bed). When I first started taking it, I had much deeper sleep = more dreams = more REM = better recovery/energy levels. I got a bunch of my clients taking it, too. They experienced the same thing. It’s pretty affordable – certainly worth the investment.” by Daniel.
Additionally, I also take Glutathione supplement because it’s important for anyone who has any Auto-Immune Disease, especially UC and Crohn’s.
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
Glutathione, Cysteine, & Vitamin C
Click here to see this product
Glutathione, Cysteine & C 100 vegetarian capsules Item Catalog Number: 01541 |
L-cysteine is a conditionally essential amino acid, one of only three sulfur-containing amino acids, the others being taurine (which can be produced from L-cysteine) and L-methionine (from which L-cysteine can be produced in the body by a multi-step process). Cysteine plays a role in the sulfation cycle, acting as a sulfur donor in phase II detoxification and as a methyl donor in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine.1,2 Cysteine also helps synthesize glutathione, the body’s most important intracellular antioxidant and a vital detoxifier.3-7 |
Glutathione (gamma-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine) is a peptide (short-protein) molecule synthesized in the body from the three amino acids L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine and glycine. Glutathione is one of the body’s most important and powerful antioxidants,8 helping to detoxify xenobiotics.9-12 A major function of vitamin C is to keep glutathione in its reduced form so that it can continue to provide free radical-quenching effects.12-15
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a white, crystalline, water-soluble substance found in citrus fruits. As an antioxidant, vitamin C scavenges free radicals in the body and protects tissues from oxidative stress.16-23 Vitamin C also promotes the absorption of iron, while preventing its oxidation.24,25 Vitamin C is a vital cofactor to the formation of collagen, the connective tissue that supports arterial walls, skin, bones, and teeth.20-22
Because humans do not manufacture vitamin C internally, it must be obtained through dietary sources or supplements. Few people realize, however, that vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is quickly oxidized and excreted by the body,26 which limits its efficacy. Until now, those seeking to capture vitamin C’s optimal health benefits have had no choice but to consume it several times throughout the day.
Note: I take this Glutathione product because as a result of testing my Glutathione levels which were low, and as we have covered in the Updates, low levels of Glutathione are associated with several Auto-Immune Diseases, including Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s, and IBD.
Here’s the Glutathione test I had done:
Click here to see about the Glutathione Blood Testing
Glutathione is classified as a ‘tripeptide’, which means it is composed of three amino acids. The body produces glutathione from the amino acids Cysteine, Glutamic Acid and Glycine. Glutathione is an interesting and important antioxidant because it is found within the cell where it has the power to keep the cell running smoothly by neutralizing free radicals.
It is also known to enhance healthy growth and activity of immune cells plus it enables the body to rid itself of unwanted toxins and heavy metals.
Low levels of glutathione have been implicated in many autoimmune disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
9) Gelatinized Maca Root Powder
Maca Root is also known as Lepidium mayenil.
What is Maca Root?
Often called “Peruvian Ginseng”, Maca is a unique root tuber with usage dating back to the mid 15th century. Natives of this area ate it raw, cooked or boiled and it became a staple in their everyday diet. Contrary to some literature citing its use some 2000 years ago to tout sexual stamina, this is hardly correct. Truth is, the rough terrain of this region made it difficult to cultivate food so most of the communities diet was dependent on wild gathered material, hence the Maca was incorporated into their daily food consumption. It resembles a radish and is actually a close relative as well. The growing conditions are very specific and it will only thrive in the glaciated slopes of the Andes with a prime elevation of 12,000 to 15,000 feet above sea level.
Currently the country of Peru is heavily subsidizing and studying the benefits of this root and several reports from educational and scientific institutions have showed significant: (120-200%) increases in sexual endurance, physical stamina, adaptability to stressful situations an increase in both the number and activity of spermatazoids (sperm).
Maca’s Primary Benefits
- Energy / Fatigue: Generates core energy in the body and mind; not an external stimulant like caffeine. Maca is invigorating and uplifting through a powerful and distinct nutritional profile.
- Menopause: This is a prominent use, gaining recognition worldwide. For many people it is very effective. Maca nourishes the endocrine system, balancing the manufacture of hormones naturally in the body. It does not act upon hormones directly, which is why it is so gentle and effective for this purpose. This concentrated gelatinized form is considered stronger than Black Cohosh, Chaste Berry, and Wild Yam for hormonal regulation purposes.
- Libido: Maca is marketed under this banner more often than not, as it is a powerful restorer and enhancer of libido. It is one of the few supplements that is equally effective in both men and women for this purpose. This gelatinized form contains much higher concentrations of the libido-enhancing compounds often touted by manufacturers.
- Impotence / Infertility: Maca treats impotence and infertility in both men and women. Maca is well known in Peru for it’s ability to ensure fertility in animals at high altitudes. It is prescribed for the same reason in humans, as it increases virility, oxygen transport.
- ADD / Stress: Through the concentrated power of it’s nutrition, Maca can help to enhance concentration and decrease stress, being a powerful tool in addressing attention issues. The owner of Skyfield Tropical has used it primarily for this purpose for many years, and recommends it often to others with similar issues.
- Malnutrition: Maca is remarkably nutritious, having a profile of highly bio-available nutrients akin to a good multi-vitamin. A gelatinized maca, in being free of fibers and most carbohydrates, is nearly 100% digestible, and is quickly assimilated. When dissolved into liquids, many of its active nutrients enter the bloodstream within 20 minutes of ingestion.
- Thyroid: Only gelatinized / cooked maca is being used to treat thyroid problems. Maca is also good source of iodine, which can assist in hypothyroidism. Raw maca cannot be used for this purpose, as it contains goitrogens which must be deactivated by cooking. Maca is a cruciferous vegetable, like broccoli or turnips.
While this information has not been thoroughly reviewed or studied much outside of Peru, the users’ testimonies for the last several years are notable.
Why Did I Start Using Maca Root Powder?
After having followed the doctor’s orders and taken the Steroids, that came along with all the terrible side effects, I did much research, and found Maca Root Powder. As an adaptagenic product, I found it balanced my endrocine system – which had been totally screwed up by the Steroids, and after 3 weeks of Maca usage, my period came back (after its 3 month disappearance from the steroid use). That’s when I knew my endocrine was being re-balanced. I also wanted something that would give me more energy, as I had been so fatigued and exhausted after the steroid use. I am very pleased with the results so far, and I can feel the Libido slowly returning as well (that was stripped away from the use of Steroids as well).
How Do I Take Maca Root Powder?
I take it daily, mixed in my Morning Glory Shake.
Nutritional Value
High in minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc), sterols (6 found), up to 20 essential fatty acids, lipids, fiber, carbohydrates, protein, and amino acids.
Parts Used
The whole powdered or sliced root in either raw or roasted form.
Typical Preparations
The whole root can be eaten raw, sliced, cooked, boiled or baked. Currently Western users utilize it in the form of a medicinal drink made from the powder or, taken in the form of tablets, capsules, and as a liquid extract. It can be easily and safely sprinkled in culinary dishes.
Not much research has been carried out for this particular botanical out of its native country Peru, but several distinguished journals and scientists worldwide have supported what the Peruvian researchers have done and the preliminary studies they published. Maca root is being effectively administered to both men and women to help increase libido, men’s sperm activity, and to assist both sexes with issues regarding their physical endurance and threshold. Most Maca roots are being wildharvested and we foresee grave danger for the safety and sustainability of this botanical. Trial cultivation plots are under way; attempting to address the situation. With any luck we will see an increase of imported Maca from this source. As with all potentially endangered plants, consume consciously.
To date no record of any contraindications, adverse effects, or toxicity have been found.
Where do I get my Gelatinized Maca Root Powder?
Quality and price cannot be compared to other suppliers, here is one that is Organic and top quality at a great price.
Click the image below
10) Organic Chia Seeds
Chia is familiar to most of us as a seed used for the novelty of the Chia Pet™, clay animals with sprouted Chia seeds covering their bodies. Little is known, however, of the seeds tremendous nutritional value and medicinal properties. For centuries, this tiny little seed was used as a staple food by the Indians of the southwest and Mexico. Known as the running food, its use as a high-energy endurance food has been recorded as far back as the ancient Aztecs. It was said the Aztec warriors subsisted on the Chia seed during the conquests. The Indians of the southwest would eat as little as a teaspoon full when going on a 24hr. forced march. Indians running from the Colorado River to the California coast to trade turquoise for seashells would only bring the Chia seed for their nourishment.
Chia Seeds Now Considered A Super Food
Because the question of what might be the optimum diet can, at times, be emotionally charged for many people, having had a significant emotional commitment in believing they know what’s best, here’s a “super” food that many agree on. It is known as the Chia Seed. Once valued so much that it was used as currency, this unique little seed has exceptional nutritive and structural benefits.
How Do Chia Seed Benefit Your Health?
Chia is an evidence-based registered variety of Salvia hispanica L. and is nutritionally superior to flax and soy.
Chia is the richest non-marine whole food source of Omega-3 and dietary fiber currently known to man.
- Promotes Cardiovascular Health:
According to the American Heart Association, Omega-3 fatty acids can normalize blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, while helping promote healthy heart and blood vessels. - Assists Joint Function & Mobility:
With six times more calcium than milk, and with greater amounts of high-quality protein than the one found in soy, Chia also helps strengthen muscles and bones. - Improves Digestion & Natural Detoxification:
Chia can absorb a whopping 12+ times its weight in water – flax seed only absorbs 6-8 times its weight. Chia´s insoluble fiber reduces digestive transit time and removes toxins as it passes through the digestive tract. - Supports Healthy Weight Loss:
Chia´s high fiber content and its ability to reduce blood sugar levels after meals inhibits the appetite, thus making it the perfect food for healthy, effective weight loss. Thanks to its neutral flavor and color, Chia integrates seamlessly into any healthy recipe.
Chia Seeds Health Benefits Include:
- Contain the highest plant source of Omega-3 on the planet!
- FDA Approved.
- Heart Health
- Mental Health
- Digestive Health
- Great for Diabetics
- Effective for Treating Hypoglycemia.
- Chia Seeds contain more Antioxidants than blueberries.
- Chia Seeds are a complete protein with all 9 amino-acids.
- Chia Seeds are an excellent source of Calcium, Magnesium & Iron.
- Chia Seeds are 100% natural and raw.
- Most Chia Seeds are Kosher, NON-GMO & GLUTEN-FREE, look for Organic Chia Seeds from your supplier.
Chia Seeds are an effective aid to healthy weight loss. The fiber rich chia seeds and slowly metabolized carbs can help to curb the appetite and has been shown to help lose weight when included with a balanced and healthy diet.
Nutritional Benefits of Chia Gel:
If you try mixing a spoonful of Chia in a glass of water and leaving it for approximately 30 minutes or so, when you return, the glass will appear to contain not seeds or water, but an almost solid gelatin. This gel-forming reaction is due to the soluble fiber in the Chia. Researchers believe this same gel-forming phenomenon takes place in the stomach when food containing these gummy fibers, known as mucilages, are eaten. The gel that is formed in the stomach creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, thus slowing the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar.
In addition to the obvious benefits for diabetics, this slowing in the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar offers the ability for creating endurance. Carbohydrates are the fuel for energy in our bodies. Prolonging their conversion into sugar stabilizes metabolic changes, diminishing the surges of highs and lows creating a longer duration in their fueling effects.
One of the exceptional qualities of the Chia seed is its hydrophilic properties, having the ability to absorb more than 12 times its weight in water. Its ability to hold on to water offers the ability to prolong hydration. Fluids and electrolytes provide the environment that supports the life of all the body’s cells. Their concentration and composition are regulated to remain as constant as possible. With Chia seeds, you retain moisture; regulate more efficiently the body’s absorption of nutrients and body fluids. Because there is a greater efficiency in the utilization of body fluids, the electrolyte balance is maintained.
Example: Fluid and electrolyte imbalances occur when large amounts of fluids are lost resulting from vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, or more commonly from sweating. The loss of extracellular fluid occurs in these conditions. Intercellular fluid then shifts out of cells to compensate, causing abnormal distribution of electrolytes across cell membranes resulting in cellular malfunction. So, retaining and efficiently utilizing body fluids maintains the integrity of extracellular fluids, protecting intercellular fluid balance. The results of which ensure normal electrolyte dispersion across cell membranes (electrolyte balance), maintaining fluid balances, resulting in normal cellular function.
Hydrophilic Colloids for All Living Cells
Chia seeds are the definitive hydrophilic colloid for the 21-century diet. Hydrophilic colloids, (a watery, gelatinous, glue-like substance) form the underlying elements of all living cells. They possess the property of readily taking up and giving off the substances essential to cell life. The precipitation of the hydrophilic colloids causes cell death.
The foods we eat, in the raw state, consist largely of hydrophilic colloids. When cooked on the other hand, precipitates its colloidal integrity. This change in the colloidal state alters the hydration capacity of our foods to interfere with their ability to absorb digestive juices. If we were to eat a raw diet, we wouldn’t need to introduce the addition of any hydrophilic colloid to our diet. Uncooked foods contain sufficient hydrophilic colloid to keep gastric mucosa in the proper condition. But, even with raw foods, they must first be partially broken down by the digestive juices, beginning in the mouth and continuing through the upper tract, to allow the gelatinous reaction to take place. Because of this upper tract digestive process, those who suffer from slow digestion, gas formation, relaxed cardia and heartburn in which the burning is due to organic acids instead of an excess of the normal hydrochloric acid, which frequently accompanies chronic inflammation disease affecting such organs as the heart, lungs, gall bladder and appendix, are usually restricted from eating raw foods. A hydrophilic colloid incorporated with these foods may be used either in connection with the patient’s regular food or with whatever diet the physician feels is best suited for his patient. The patient with gastric atony or nervous indigestion who complains of heartburn and/or vomiting four to five hours after eating is often helped. There is a lessening of emptying time of the stomach and an improvement in gastric tone.
Chia Improves Digestion
Chia seed may be used in conjunction with almost any diet your doctor or nutritionist feels is necessary for your condition. The Chia’s hydrophilic colloidal properties aid the digestion of any foods contributing to the patients suffering as a result of a sour stomach. Even if you have sensitivity to certain foods, they may be tolerated with slight discomfort or none at all if a hydrophilic colloid is made a part of your diet. The positive effects on the digestion in the upper portion of the gastrointestinal tract often leads to puree their foods may find benefits from hydrophilic colloids which may lead to eliminating the necessity for pureeing. Even raw vegetables, green salads and fruits, which are largely restricted, may often be given to these patients with little or no discomfort after a short time.
There are several hydrophilic foods available that offer these natural benefits. Cactus juice, beet juice, agar, the edible seaweeds, and many proprietary preparations, which include the silica gels, mucilaginous substance of vegetables origin, are among colloids that prove effective. Each one of the above mentioned substances have one or more drawbacks. They are either too expensive, they may produce toxic side effects, are bad tasting, not readily available, have insufficient hydration capability or are indigestible.
Chia seed, a muscle and tissue builder and an energizer of endurance with extensive hydration properties, possesses none of the above disadvantages, and because if its physiochemical properties, supports effective treatment in immediate problems of digestion. Exactly why this should be true may be puzzling at first. However, if we consider the effect of unusual irritation upon the nerves of the gastrointestinal canal, it is reasonable they think that a less violent and more balanced digestion might quiet the activity of the otherwise hyperactive gut. Inasmuch as the same foods, which formerly produced irritation, may frequently be continued without harm when hydrophilic colloids are used. The relief to nerve irritation seems to offer a logical explanation.
The change, in the lower gastrointestinal tract, is due to the effect of the hydrophilic colloid and to a more complete digestion-taking place along the entire tract due to physiochemical alterations. Both factors are important, as there is undoubtedly a better assimilation of food that supports enhanced nutritional absorption while significantly extending necessary hydration as well as encouraging proper elimination.
Excellent Protein Source
As a source of protein, the Chia, after ingestion, is digested and absorbed very easily. This results in rapid transport to the tissue and utilization by the cells. This efficient assimilation makes the Chia very effective when rapid development of tissue takes place, primarily during growth periods of children and adolescents. Also, for the growth and regeneration of tissue during pregnancy and lactation, and this would also include regeneration of muscle tissue for conditioning, athletes, weight lifters, etc.
Essential Omega 3 Oil
Another unique quality of the Chia seed is its high oil content and the richest vegetables source for the essential omega-3 fatty acid. It has approximately three to ten times the oil concentrations of most grains and one and a half to two times the protein concentrations of other grains. These oils, unsaturated fatty acids, are the essential oils your body needs to help emulsify and absorb the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, & K. Chia seeds are rich in the unsaturated fatty acid, linoleic, which the body can not manufacture. When there are rich amounts of linoleic acid sufficiently supplied to the body through diet, linoleic and arachidonic acids can be synthesized from linoleic acid.
Unsaturated fatty acids are important for respiration of vital organs and make it easier for oxygen to be transported by the blood stream to all cells, tissues, and organs. They also help maintain resilience and lubrication of all cells and combine with protein and cholesterol to form living membranes that hold the body cells together.
Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for normal glandular activity, especially of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. They nourish the skin cells and are essential for healthy mucus membranes and nerves. The unsaturated fatty acids function in the body by cooperating with vitamin D in making calcium available to the tissues, assisting in the assimilation of phosphorus, and stimulating the conversion of carotene into vitamin A. Fatty acids are related to normal functioning of the reproductive system. Chia seeds contain beneficial long-chain triglycerides (LCT) in the right proportion to reduce cholesterol on arterial walls.
The Chia seed is also a rich source of calcium as it contains the important mineral boron, which acts as a catalyst for the absorption and utilization of the calcium by the body.
Dieters Dream Food
Chia, as an ingredient, is a dieter’s dream food. There are limitless ways to incorporate the Chia seed into your diet. Chia can be prepared with pure water before using in recipes. The seed will absorb 9 times its weight in water in less than 10 minutes and is very simple to prepare.
Food Extender/Calorie Displacer: The optimum ratio of water to seed, for most recipes, is 9-parts water to 1 part seed. One pound of seed will make 10 pounds of Chia gel. This is the most unique structural quality of the Chia seed. The seed’s hydrophilic (water absorbing) saturated cells hold the water, so when it is mixed with foods, it displaces calories and fat without diluting flavor. In fact, I have found that because Chia gel displaces rather than dilutes, it creates more surface area and can actually enhance the flavor rather than dilute it. Chia gel also works as a fat replacer for many recipes.
How to Make Chia Gel?
Making Chia Gel (9 to 1 ratio): Put water in a sealable plastic container and slowly pour seed into water while briskly mixing with a wire whisk. This process will avoid any clumping of the seed. Wait a couple of minutes, whisk again and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Whisk again before using or storing in refrigerator (Gel will keep up to 2 weeks). You can add this mix to jams, jellies, hot or cold cereals, yogurts, mustard, catsup, tartar sauce, BBQ sauce, etc… Add the gel, between 50% to 75% by volume, to any of the non-bake mentioned foods, mix well and taste. You will notice a very smooth texture with the integrity of the flavor intact. In addition to adding up to 50% to 75% more volume to the foods used, you have displaced calories and fat by incorporating an ingredient that is 90% water. Use as a fat replacer, for energy and endurance, or for added great taste, buy substituting the oil in your breads with Chia gel. Top your favorite bread dough before baking with Chia gel (for toping on baked goods, breads, cookies, piecrust, etc., reduce the water ratio to 8 parts water to 1 part Chia seed) for added shelf life.
There are additional benefits from the Chia seed aside from the nutritive enhancements when used as an ingredient. It was also used by the Indians and missionaries as a poultice for gunshot wounds and other serious injuries. They would pack the wounds with Chia seeds to avoid infections and promote healing. There is a wealth of benefits beyond the information outlined in this article and treasure-trove of benefits yet to be discovered. Chia seed, having a qualitatively unique situational richness along with a profound nutritive profile is one of man’s most useful and beneficial foods and is destined to be the Ancient Food of the Future.
Chia Seed Nutritional Data and Facts
Nutritional Content
Nutritional Facts
Serving size: 20g (About 2 Tablespoons):
- Calories (Kcal) = 66
- Protein (g) = 4.14
- Total Fat (g) = 6.56
- Saturated Fat (g) = 0.64
- Trans Fat (g) = 0
- Monounsaturated Fat (g) = 0.44
- Polyunsaturated Fat (g) = 5.44
- Omega-3 (ALA) (g) = 4.2
- Omega-6 (Linoleic Acid) (g) = 1.24
- Cholesterol (mg) = 0
- Carbohydrates (g) = 7.5
- Total Dietary Fiber (g) = 8.25
- Soluble (g) = 1.07
- Insoluble (g) = 7.18
- Sodium (mg) = 0.42
- Potassium (mg) = 140
- Calcium (mg) = 142.8
- Iron (mg) = 3.28
- Phosphorus (mg) = 213.4
- Magnesium (mg) = 78
Light nutty taste, odorless, easy to add to recipes.
Daily intake recommendation:
The WHO (and USDA) recommend a daily intake of at least 1200 mg ALA Omega-3 for a healthy diet.
We recommend 2 tablespoons (20g) daily of chia seed, providing over 4000mg of Omega-3, to help you restore the lost balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6.
Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber:
Thanks to its water retention capacity (WRC), its cationic exchange capacity (CEC), its organic molecule absorption capacity (OMAC), and its water absorption capacity (WAC), the fiber in Chia seeds has the ideal characteristics for the food industry, compared to other fiber sources such as flax seeds, vanilla sheath waste, and wheat bran.
Mucilage in Chia seeds as a food ingredient:
Due to its physics-chemical characteristics, mucilage can be used as thickener in a series of applications, because of its excellent hydrating capacity.
Chia seeds as a protein source of high biological value:
Chia seeds contain 20% protein with all essential amino acids, which makes it a vegetal protein alternative with high nutritional, economic and versatile value.
How Do I Take Chia Seeds?
I take it daily, mixed in my Morning Glory Shake.
Where do I get my Organic Chia Seeds?
Quality and price cannot be compared to other suppliers, here is one that is Organic and top quality at a great price.
Just follow this link to Chia Seeds Organic
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
11) Adding D-Ribose Powder
D-Ribose is essential for production of ATP cellular energy.
That’s the critical reason to add it.
D-Ribose Powder 150 grams (5.29 oz) Item Catalog Number: 00972 |
People suffering from cardiac and other debilitating health problems often exhibit severely depleted cellular energy in heart and muscle tissue, which can greatly impair normal daily functions. |
The primary source of energy for all cellular processes is a molecule known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Healthy, active cells constantly replenish their supply of ATP to produce vital cellular energy.100
However, under conditions of stress, injury, or aging, [or diseases such as Auto-Immune Diseases], critical body tissues such as heart and skeletal muscles cannot produce ATP quickly enough to perform optimally.
D-ribose, a carbohydrate molecule found in every living organism, facilitates the production of ATP.101
In studies of healthy athletes as well as those who have suffered injury to the heart muscle, supplying fatigued muscle cells with D-ribose quickly restored ATP levels to normal.102-104 By helping to rapidly refill depleted energy stores, D-ribose may be especially beneficial for people coping with cardiac and other problems marked by impaired cellular energy production.
D-Ribose Tablets and D-Ribose Powder can help speed energy recovery, increase energy reserves and maintain healthy energy levels in heart and muscle tissue.
To read the Report on Restoring Cellular Energy Metabolism: Click here
Click here to see where I buy my D-Ribose
“D-Ribose is one of four supplements my doctor recommended to support my heart. The other three are Magnesium, CoQ10, and L’Carnitine. LEF’s d-Ribose mixes in easily with my morning protein shake. I trust LEF products.” By Belle, from Huntsville, TX
4 stars out of 5
“I use it in a morning shake. It gives me alot of energy It’s easy to use and tastes good.” from Delmar, NY.
“This product works immediately. Within 20 minutes you will feel more energized, lighter, and able to work out longer and harder with less effort. I continue to feel these effects for up to 8 hours.” by Arliss, from Lafayette, IN.
5 out of 5 stars, Powder is pure power!
“I was advised by a colleague to purchase D-Ribose powder to get a quick increase in energy level. I found that for me the effect was quick and sustained through the day. I use it daily, adding it to my morning healthy smoothie.” By Dr. Paul, from Auburn, Maine
5 out of 5 stars, D-Ribose Helps with Muscle Aches
“This is a fantastic supplement and I will continue to take it for life! I have severe muscle aches and spasms and this product seems to be very helpful in keeping the discomfort at a minimum. I know it works for me because I ran out one month and immediately noticed a difference in the way I felt. My muscles got very tense and achy by the third day without. I am very glad to discover that you have it available in capsule form now, too. I had a problem with my luggage on my last vacation flight to Florida. My luggage was held up for 2 days and I suspect it was because of the D-Ribose powder I had in my suitcase. The Airlines searched my luggage and I am almost sure it was due to the powder. Won’t take powder along again, even though it was in the original container. Have just ordered a bottle of the capsules just for my next trip.” L.M.- Milford, OH,
Products Used in the Alternative Protocol
12) Sardines, Wild-Caught
Sardines are a perfect food: high in protein (26 grams), contain 2 grams of Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and with Iron and Calcium contained vitamins, it tastes great.
Please note: I tried about 4 different brands of canned Sardines, and the only ones I liked, whose flavor is just right, not too fishy and delivers a whopping 2 grams of Omega 3 Fatty Acids is made by.
Where Do I Get My Organic Sardines
I found that the cheapest way to get them is to order them through Amazon, and I get them auto-shipped every month. Here’s a link to it