O) Various Digestive Issues…

Various Digestive Issues…


Cascading Problems 


Various Digestive Issues…



When you suffer from IBD, UC, Crohn’s this can lead to a whole gamut of cascading problems which is important to be on the look out for.


Cascading problems such as:

    • Malabsorption of nutrients, causing malnutrition (often undiagnosed)
    • B12 Deficiency, which if it goes undiagnosed can lead to pernicious anemia
    • Inadequate Vitamin D3 levels, leaving your immune system at risk
    • Ineffective or low levels of good intestinal gut flora, putting your immune system at risk
    • Bone Density Loss, Osteopenia, or Osteoporosis
    • Fatigue
    • Problems with Concentration
    • Improper Digestion
    • Leaky Gut Syndrome
    • Intestinal Permeability
    • Extra-Intestinal Symptoms of Joint Pains, Skin Rashes, Eye Problems
    • Depression and Anxiety
    • Headaches
    • And of course digestive issues of: Diarrhea, Constipation, Bloating, Gas, Cramping, Abdominal Pain, Distention, just to name of few of the many symptoms


Has your Doctor told you to be on the lookout for these Cascading Problems?


So, what can you do about these Cascading Problems?


1) By being proactive and being aware, you’ll be on the lookout for these problems before they occur


2) By being aware of these problems, you’ll be able to see the symptoms and know what they correlate to

3) By putting in place certain checks and balances, you’ll be in a position to assess these problems


4) By taking some simple steps, you’ll be able to pre-empt some of these problems


Now that you know which cascade of problems to be on the lookout for, what can you do to prevent them? Let’s get through each one, and see how to pre-empt them:


A)  Malabsorption of nutrients, causing malnutrition (often undiagnosed)


B) B12 Deficiency, which if it goes undiagnosed can lead to pernicious anemia


C) Inadequate Vitamin D3 Levels, leaving your Immune System at risk


D) Ineffective or low levels of good intestinal gut flora, putting your immune system at risk



E) Bone Density Loss, Osteopenia, or Osteoporosis


F) Fatigue, and

G) Problems with Concentration


H) Improper Digestion


I) Leaky Gut Syndrome, and


J) Intestinal Permeability and


K) Extra-Intestinal Symptoms of Joint Pains, Skin Rashes, Eye Problems



L) Depression and Anxiety



M) Headaches


N) And of course digestive issues of: Diarrhea, Constipation, Bloating, Gas, Cramping, Abdominal Pain, Distention, just to name of few of the many symptoms


These source of these digestive issues are multi-fold:  the disease process itself, side effects of medications, improper food combining, improper digestive enzyme levels, food intolerances. And we have addressed all the fixes to these problems ( see above).




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I think it’s very important to be aware  of these Cascading Problems, and specifically, these Various Digestive Issues,  so that you can be pro-active and to pre-empt further problems. It’s unlikely your doctor has made you aware of these.



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